Chapter 19 - New village

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This chapter is dedicated to kenzy_PJO_HOO!

Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

“Mio dono, all preparations to leave are ready. Its time to depart.” A guard came into my room and got down on one knee. “Oh, is that so? Okay, I’m on my way. I smiled and picked up my bag. I walked to him and he insisted on carrying my bag for me. I stopped at the door looking at my room for the last time. I smiled and shook my head and followed the guard outside.

We made it to the entrance of the Uchiha compound. Madara was waiting along with Tajima san and Mioki san and when they saw me, they gave me nods in acknowledgment. I stopped in front of them and glanced at Madara. He was watching me with an expression I couldn’t read and I diverted my eyes immediately.

I hadn’t spoken to him much these two days. After the kiss and after understanding that I had to keep my emotions at bay, I had tried to avoid any long conversation with him. He had realized my avoidance as well but he hadn’t said anything about it. He did try to ask me about it once, but I had changed the topic and left. He got pretty angry after that and he had been in a bad mood ever since.

He hadn’t spoken to me or even glanced at me after that day. It was difficult for me to suppress the feeling that wanted to explode in my chest, but as long as I avoided looking at him and tried to think of other things, it was okay to control. His scent was so difficult to forget and the feeling of his kiss made me lose my self control occasionally.

Even now, I didn’t look at him. I was looking down and back at the Uchiha compound. “Madara sama, we can head out.” A guard came and informed us and Madara nodded. We all began walking to the place we had decided to meet up with the Senjus. All the luggages were stacked in carts and a few people were pulling them. But everyone walked instead of riding the carts.

“Waaaahh!!” I turned back when I heard a child crying. The lady who was holding him cradled him and cooed to him but he didn’t seem to stop crying. “Woman! Make him stop!” Madara yelled out in irritation. I rolled my eyes when the woman flinched and bowed several times as she tried to calm the child but it didn’t work. “Woman….” Madara hissed again and the woman trembled.

I took of the colorful bracelet that I was wearing and walked to the child. I could feel Madara’s curious gaze on me and when I reached the woman, she flinched again. “I-I’m very sorry, Mio sama! I-I didn’t mean t-to cause any trouble!” She begged nearly in tears. I smiled and shook my head. “That’s alright. Can I hold him and try to calm him down?” I asked and she hesitated. But she handed the child to me and I held him up with one hand.

“Hey there! Hey! C’mon, look at onee chan!” I said to the child and he hiccupped and looked at me through tear filled eyes. “That’s it! look at onee chan.” I smiled but he whimpered and began to cry again. I heard Madara growl in front of me and the woman looked frightened between me and him. I shook my head with a smile and held up the bracelet in my hand. “See? Look at this! Isn’t this pretty?” I asked him and he stopped crying and looked at my bracelet.

He took it from my hand and turned it around and looked at it. I reached out with my kimono sleeve and gently wiped the tear tracks left on his cheeks. “Do you like it?” I asked and he gave me a small nod. He didn’t take his eyes off my bracelet at all. He was so interested in it and I reached for it. I took it from his hands and he whimpered, but I put his hand through it and around his wrist.

He held up his hand in awe and I giggled. “It looks good on you.” He looked at me with sparkling wide eyes. “R-really?” I nodded and he broke into soft cute chuckles. “Mio sama….you’re….really good with children.” The lady said and I looked up to see Madara watching me occasionally. “I’m used to watching over kids…” I smiled remembering a few times I had helped look after my manager’s daughter.

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