Chapter 22 - Not again!

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Mi Ho pov:

"Hey Mio, I'm going to Ichiraku's to meet up with my team. Do you want to come?" Kakashi asked from the balcony of his house. I was in the kitchen deciding what to make for lunch and I heard him from there. I walked to my didn't balcony and ge was looking at my balcony with his usual bored expression. I giggled and nodded. "Sure, I'll go with you. What's the occasion?" There was no way he was going to Ichiraku to meet up with his team without a good reason.

He closed his visible eye and sighed deeply. "Naruto wants a treat....I'm going to be bankrupt today." This time, I laughed loudly. "I'll put in a word so that he doesn't eat too much." I tried to give him some confidence but he sighed again. "I just hope it will work." I shook my head with a smile and headed out of my house to meet up with Kakashi.

I had been in the future Konoha for about a week now. Unlike the Senjus and the Uchihas, I wasn't locked up here. I had my own house, my freedom and I could go around the village without anyone following me. Although, I was pretty sure they didn't leave me so freely in the open. Tsunade san probably had people following me in secret. I was totally fine with that as long as they didn't spy on me when i was in the shower.

If I did catch someone watching me like that, oh no, they would dead meat.

Besides that, I have become good friends with Kakashi. He was assigned to make sure I feel welcomed here and he's a really nice chap. Even though he reads his weird and perverted books, that most of the time he tries to prove is pure literature, he's really nice to hang around with. Je also introduced me to many people in the village including his three teammates. They were originally hos students, but after they passed the ninja exams for the chunin level, they were considered to hold the same respected position as any shinobi in the village.

In many ways, since I am special, Tsunade san had let me in on some information that the village elders were actually against telling me. She told me about the different nations in the shinobi world. Konoha is part if the Fire Nation and there were five large and main nations. Well, I guess you can compare them to the different continents that we have in the real world so I was able to get a basic idea of how this place worked.

Although, unlike home, there still wasn't full stability and peace between the nations here. They did work out peace treaties but there was also high chances of wars between nations that didn't get along with each other.

She also told me about the bijuu, the tailed beasts that were distributed among the different nations to maintain balance in their power. Naruto, who happened to be one of Kakashi's student and teammates, and also the one who had an unbelievably enormous appetite, had the 9 tailed beast sealed inside him. It was a fox demon and people like him who had beasts sealed inside them were called jinchurikis. Naruto was shunned by everyone else because if it, but after working hard and doing what he thought was right to protects his comrades, everyone had accepted him. He was a really nice kid, actually.

"Oooiii!!! Kakashi sensei! Mio chan!!" Naruto waved to us with a big grin on his face. He was waiting outside Ichiraku's and I could see the excitement on his face. He absolutely loved ramen and he could probably eat it for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Kakashi sighed next to me and slumped his shoulders. "I'm so sure Naruto has skipped dinner so that he can make me spend all my life's savings on just one meal." He groaned with his eyes closed. "Oh c'mon Kakashi! Don't be a spoilt sport! You invited me too so don't forget you have an extra stomach to feed today."

I stuck my tongue out at him as he watched me with a wide eye and I jogged up to Naruto and Sakura. "Hey guys!" "Yo Mio chan!" I ruffled Naruto's head and he grinned like a little kid. "Na na! I'm starving! I can wait to start eating! I'm going to eat till I'm satisfied cuz this is the first time Kakashi sensei agreed to treat us!" I coughed back a giggle as we went to take our seats inside the ramen stall. Kakashi walked in rather hesitantly. He sat down next to Naruto and gulped as he ordered his first three bowls of pork ramen.

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