Chapter 17 - Lean on me

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This chapter is dedicated to TOKYO_GIRL_2020

Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

I felt light headed at the sight in front of me. Madara had just walked past me and now the others were passing me. The smell of blood was so intense, it made me dizzy.

I looked back as Madara walked away from me but my mind was racing. "Madara!" I called out and he stopped walking. "W-what is going on?" I asked airily and leaned against the wall as my knees wobbled. "W-why are you covered in blood?" He chuckled to my question. "Oh? I'm glad to see that you're worried about my well being. But there's no need. Its not mine." He said and I shivered at the tone of his voice. He sounded amused and....somehow satisfied.

"That's not the point....why are you covered in blood?" I asked a little more sternly this time. I wanted an answer from him. I wasn't going to let him say 'it doesn't concern you' and just walk away like that. Not this time.

But my blood went cold and I regretted asking him that question when I saw the look on his face. He turned his head back to look at me and he was smirking madly. He had a cruel and malicious glint in his eyes and I couldn't suppress the violent shudder that escaped. His sharingan was glowing and I clenched my fists tightly as a shudder rocked my body.

“I just helped slaughter the Uzumaki clan. A clan that tied a treaty with the Senju. Their screams, their blood, their devastated looks….it was thrilling! What amazing power my eyes possess now!” He chuckled loudly and I breathed heavily. “Madara….you….why? How could you do that? They weren’t responsible for what happened to Izuna!” I said and walked towards him through the other people. Madara only chuckled again and put a hand on his hip. “They were a threat to the other clans and an ally to the Senju. So I just helped in taking care of them.”

He said it so easily. I shook my head and looked to the side, my eyes stinging. “No….no…you cant. You cant do this, Madara. Please! You’re turning into someone I don’t even know! This has to stop! Or else you’re going to end up hurting yourself!” His eyes narrowed at me and his hand shot out to grab my upper arm in a painfully tight grip. “Ah! That hurts! Let go!” I yelled but he pulled harder and I bit my cheek to stop from letting out my pained voice.

He brought his face close to mine and I felt dizzy again at the smell of blood. “Don’t interfere in the matters of my clan. You are an outsider. Just be glad that you have freedom to walk in my presence. If it were anyone else, I would have sliced off their tongue by now.” He sneered and I shivered. He let me go, pushing me to the hard ground. I gasped and coughed as my stomach hurt like crazy. But he didn’t spare me another glance and he walked away to his room.

My eyes stung and I watched him until he disappeared through his door. I bit my lip and wobbled up again. I didn’t like this Madara. I knew he was a crude person to begin with but the way he was acting now....he was losing all of his composure. If this continued, I don’t know what would happen to him or any other clan in this world, let alone the Senjus. He wasn’t holding back even a bit and if he could go to the extent to find slaughtering a clan thrilling….I don’t know what I was supposed to think anymore.

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated.  I shook my head and made it to the dining room. Tajima san and Mioki san were already there and I winced as I sat down in front of them. I didn’t lift my head and I didn’t look up at them. Food was served to us and they began to eat, but I felt like I had lost my appetite. I was still feeling very queasy at all the blood I had seen and the metallic smell hadn’t left my nose either.

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