Chapter 21 - Futuristic Konoha

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“Jeez that Madara! Literally kicking me into this place!” Who gave him permission to send me here anyway? Did I ask him? No. Did he ask me? NO! more than asking me, I was freaking out because he had said ‘we’ll meet in time’. Well obviously, I knew he meant he would send me to the future, but what I was seeing was ridiculous!

This had to be a dream. This had to be a torturous and realistic dream. I mean, how could I have been thrown into the future like this? True, it wasn't surprising and I would probably understand if Madara did send me to a few years in the future, but this far ahead? What was he thinking? How did he expect me to see him if he sent me to a time that was at least three generations ahead of him?

I made it to the gates. I craned my neck up to look at the top of the compound. I shook my head with a sigh and stepped into the village. The minute I stepped in, two people who were sitting at the security post besides the gate noticed me and stood up. They narrowed their eyes at me and walked to me rather stiffly. "Who are you and what business do you have in Konoha?" I rolled my eyes and put a hand on my hip. "Well, excuse me, but I live here." I said matter of factly. They only frowned more and looked between each other in confusion.

I sighed at the situation and decided that instead of talking to these people, it was best if I spoke directly to the current Hokage. "Look, there's a lot of things that have been happening. I know its not easy to understand, but I think its best if I meet the Hokage. I happen to have come from the least 100 years judging from the development of the village so if I can talk to the right person, I could get some help and figure out why I'm here." They watched me for a few seconds but then nodded. "We'll just have a look through your bag and then we'll take you to Hokage sama." I handed my bag to them and they seemed a little surprised that I didn't show even the slightest refusal. Hey, its not like I had anything dangerous or suspicious in my bag.

Once they had checked every pouch in my bag, they handed it back to me and one of the guys asked me to follow him. As we walked through the village, I could make out that it was very different from what I remembered. The buildings were bigger and the buildings to trees ratio had close to tripled. There were so many more people here, most of which I didn't know which clan they came from. I remember seeing only a few clans that joined up and settled in Konoha. Over the years, so many more had moved in and I couldn't tell the difference between the Senjus and the other clans.

Well, I was sure the Uchiha would be rather easy to spot. They'd have black hair, black eyes, probably their clan symbol on their shirts and not to forget, their signature wrinkly faces.

I couldn't spot any of them as we made it to the Hokage building and I assumed that they were still slightly isolated from the rest of the village. Well, they liked their privacy too so they'd probably be seen only if they needed something from the main part of the village. I could talk to the Hokage and visit their compound later.

We made it to the big circular red building which hadn't seemed to have changed in the past century or so. The guys escorting me led me all the way to the top of the building and we stopped outside a pair of doors. The guy knocked and I heard a woman's voice give us permission to enter. Looks like the hokage is a woman....well, the carving on the cliffs looked like a woman. A really strict woman.

I shrugged and walked in with the guard. When we entered, I saw a lady with a rather large chest sitting at a table with stacks of paper on either side. She had a stern look on her face and somehow reminded me of Tobirama. Actually, she reminded me of both Hashirama and Tobirama with those facial features and the aura around her. I couldn't stop myself and I just blurted pit a question to her. "Are you anyhow related to Tobirama? The look on your face is just like his when he's annoyed about something." She narrowed her eyes at me as I observed her.

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