Chapter 33 - The war begins

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Madara pov:

I was woken up when I felt Mio shift in my arms. I was a little surprised actually; to think that I ended up falling asleep as well. I hadn't slept ever since I had been reincarnated and I knew I didn't really need the sleep because I had never ending energy in this state. But I couldn't really move with Mio sleeping on me like this.

I had decided to take a short rest and I had fallen asleep. It was a good thing that no one had come to disturb us during the night too.

I kept my eyes closed, wanting to know what Mio would do. My arm around her wasn't as tight and I could make out that she lifted her arms up and stretched. She let out a low hum as she stretched and sighed once she relaxed.

I could feel her gaze on me after that. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and leaned up kissing the corner of my lips very softly....probably not trying to wake me. She lingered there for a few moments and I resisted from kissing her back in a full blown kiss.

She pulled away moments later and ran her fingers through my hair softly. She touched my cheek with the back of her fingers as well. She sighed softly and then moved my arm that was around her to the side. She got up, moving away from me and into the bathroom.

A few moments passed and I heard the water running. I opened my eyes now looking toward the flimsy wooden door that separated us. Hearing the water running, knowing that she was completely defenceless beyond that sorry excuse of a separation; something wild burned in the pit of my stomach. Something made me....possessive.

Clenching my jaw, I stood up. I picked up the heap of armor on the floor and put it on before sitting down on her bed with my arms crossed.

I would have all the time in the world to make her mine when this war was over. I had to control myself until then. Its just a matter of time until the whole of the shinobi world fell into my hands. After all, with the abilities that I would soon have control over, subduing even hundreds of thousands of these people would be no more than child's play. The only thing is that the people who had decided to fight against me were fools, thinking they had even the slightest chance to win.

I opened my eyes and looked up when I heard Mio exit the bathroom. I raised a brow, a visible smirk coming to my lips when I saw her. Her hair was down, dripping wet and the had only a light pink towel covering her body. When she looked around her room, spotting me sitting on the bed and watching her with a smirk, her face paled. But immediately after that, her whole face was flushed red and she moved so she was hiding her body from view behind the door.

This was entertaining. In all the years I had known her, this was the first time I had seen her flustered in my presence. She was a girl after all. Despite her loud mouth and headstrong attitude, knowing that the man who made her flush with color was me was arousing. And seeing her just a towels reach away from my eyes was even more possessing.

"Uh...M-madara....when did you w-wake up?" I smirked wider as she stuttered. "A while ago." I said simply and she averted her eyes from me. She quickly looked at her cupboard, hesitating. She ran towards the cupboard and got out some clothes before trying to run back to the bathroom. But I was quicker; I teleported to where she was blocking her way. She collided with me head on and gasped, moving away startled.

She looked up at me, her whole face and ears red. It was just too amusing.

She took steps back and I took steps towards her until she was trapped between the wall and me. She tightened the hold of her clothes she held near her chest and I could literally hear the pounding of her heart as she watched me with those wide mirror like eyes.

I placed my hands on the wall on either side of her head, trapping her. She gulped nervously. "M-madara....please move..." Her voice was soft, begging, adorable.

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