Chapter 32 - Gentle moments, Strong resolution

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Mi Ho pov:


Just as I had expected before I fell asleep, I woke up to a very sore back and neck. There was a blanket put over me and my cheek was still resting on the table.

My arms felt really heavy, but I lifted them and tried to push myself off the table. I winced as the movement gave my back a rather painful twitch. But ignoring the pain, I slowly sat up straight and then arched my body backwards to give a full blown stretch to my spine. I hunched back soon after, hitting my back with my fist.

Gosh, that felt better.

Now that I was awake, I looked around the room. It was already morning; I had managed to sleep through the whole conversation that eonni had with Madara and oppa. I sighed and got up from the floor.

I could hear the water running in the bathroom and I could hear the sizzling of food in the kitchen as well. Hmmm, I wonder why eonni had rented an in that had a kitchen. Didn't the whole idea of coming out for a vacation mean not having to cook, clean or work in any way? Oh well....

I made it to the kitchen, stopping awkwardly at the door. Eonni had her back to me and she was stirring something on the stove. I wrapped one arm around myself and bit my lip, hesitant to interrupt her. I was kind of nervous to face her and oppa actually, after all the yelling and 'trying-to-prove-my-point' argument I had had with them. I hadn't meant to be rude in any way, but now I couldn't remember half of what I had spoken but I was pretty sure that most of the things I had said sounded rude.

"Did you sleep well?" I jumped when eonni suddenly spoke. I took in a breath and sighed. "Okay, I guess...." "Your brother is taking a shower. Once he's done, you should freshen up for the day too." She said without turning to face me. And then there was silence.

Such thick, heavy silence that it hurt my chest to breathe. I could pretty much hear my heart thumping in my chest, the nervousness bubbling in the pit of my stomach. I was so nervous to ask anything about what happened last night. I cant believe I fell asleep during such an important conversation!

I tried to get the question out of my mouth several times. But I was so tense that nothing but strained puffs of air escaped painfully through my mouth. I finally swallowed thickly, getting in as much air as possible into my lungs before speaking. "Wha-whad did he sa-say...?" My voice was pathetically weak and airy and the words almost incomprehensible. But being my sister, she was able to understand clearly what I asked her.

She stopped stirring whatever that was on the stove. She switched off the flame as well, covered the food and turned to look at me.

Seeing her face made me even more uncomfortable. She didn't look angry or worried or sad. She looked passive, gave me a bad vibe.

I swallowed the lump in my throat but it didn't seem to disappear. "Mi Ho.....well, its hard to explain. I asked him many questions, but I don't know if I got all the answers. He's quite a difficult person to talk to, isn't he?" She smiled lightly. I still couldn't find my voice so I averted my eyes and nodded.

"I even sent away your brother so he could tell me....assuming that he would find it annoying to have someone constantly comment on what he said. But he didn't open up....not one bit. He doesn't seem to be the expressing type. Does he tell you anything?" I looked up a little surprised at her question. I was feeling a little better since she didn't seem disappointed or ready to blow up in anger for what was going on.

"H-he...." I stalled, not knowing what exactly to say. I took a deep breath, my gaze softening as I remembered the times in the Uchiha compound. "He never lets anyone see any weakness. He's that sort of prideful guy....he hates pity, sympathy and affection from anyone actually. I'm surprised he went to the extent of wanting to keep me by his side. Then again....he is doing it all because of my power."

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now