Chapter 23 - Oppa?!

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Yup, I'm totally on an updating spree, aren't I? I've made the Madara fans wait too long so I finally convinced myself to take a break from the Aizen story and put up this chapter. Oh, but don't worry....the only reason I took a break from the Aizen story is because I already have several chapters ready :P 



Mi Ho pov:


Clutching the fabric above my stomach, I groaned. Gosh I was so hungry. These guys from Iwa were so mean! I cant believe that they hadn't given me anything to eat for the past 24hours! And even worse, they had shackled my wrists and ankles to the wall!

Well, that old man was the one who told them to do so because he thought I had to learn 'respect' towards my superiors. First of all, I wasn't a soldier or a part of any village to consider anyone as my superior. Secondly, I was the one with the special power. I had to be given the riyal treatment. They should know that if they wanted me to actually help them, they should be making sure that I was comfortable and got whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

"Ugh jincha baegoppa....[ugh I'm so hungry]" I mumbled to myself.

"We'll change watch." I heard someone walk towards my cell and I made a face of disgust as the person guarding me nodded and exchanged posts with someone else. I scowled and turned away from them to glare out if the window again. Stupid Iwa, stupid guards. The new guard hit a kunai on the bars if my cell and I clenched my jaw annoyed. "Oi, you're supposed to show me your face! Turn around!" He called out. "Don't wanna." I muttered and didn't bother turning around.

"Oi! Don't make me have to come in there and make you look at me!" Gritting my teeth in anger, I snapped. "Go away! Stop annoying me!" I looked up and glared but both the 'guard' and I widened our eyes when we saw each other. "Lee Jae oppa!" "Mi Ho ya!" He unlocked the cell and ran inside. He got on his knees un front of me and gently touched my face. "Yah, quenchana? Jincha Mi Ho kkchi? [oi, are you alright? You're really Mi Ho, right?]" He asked and I smiled. "Kkre!! Keunde....doh yeogi? Ottokhaneun goyeyo? [obviously! here? What's going on?]"

He sighed and removed the shackles that had been put on my wrists and ankles. The skin had turned red and tender and as I touched it, it burned. "Ah appo..[ah that hurts....]" "Mihyane, Mi Ho ya [I'm sorry Mi Ho].....I didn't know it was you." Oppa apologized and he looked over my wrists. I shook my head with a smile. "That's okay. But I am a little surprised that you were speaking so rudely. True, I'm supposed to be a prisoner here, but you're not the kind of person to talk rudely to anyone na matter the situation."

Oppa sighed and sat down a little comfortably. "You've been here too and I didn't know." He mumbled and I frowned. "Wait, what is that supposed to mean?" He looked at me and clicked his tongue once. "I've been here for almost a year now. The day you left to see your parents, you said something came up and you couldn't return for a while. We all assumed everything was okay but one day, you stopped contacting us altogether. We got worried and we informed the police and tried to find you.....but we couldn't. And then a year ago, I magically popped up in this world. I'm not ninja material, but I was always good at restraining people. So I have prison duty everyday."

I frowned more. I could understand most of what he said and yes, he was pretty strong when he restrained people as he put it. So it was understandable that he was put on prison duty. But the thing I didn't understand was the time lapse he was talking about.

"Oppa, you said you've been here for a long had it been since I last contacted you?" I asked him and I looked at me curiously. "Its been three years since we last saw you." Three years?! It had been three years? How was that possible? I had a dance recording just a month before Madara punched my gut and sent me here. But maybe since he himself messed around with the time flow, it could be possible that something like this happened.

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