Chapter 6 - Wedding

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Mi Ho pov:

I sat with my arms crossed, a pout and a glare. Yeah, I know, that was a weird combination for an expression, but I was pissed.

I was sitting in Hashirama san's office along with Tobirama san, their parents and a few of the clansmen. All of them were discussing things about my abilities seriously and I was feeling totally left out. Jeez, I thought only girls talked a lot....well, I wasn't a chatterbox but I had seen a lot of people saying this and I had definitely seen us girls talk to no end when we were on an interesting topic. But these guys were over the top! Mostly because they were too serious.

I sighed and leaned against the wall as I watched them. They were talking about the Uzumaki clan, this clan, that clan and of course, the Uchiha clan. Well, there you hear it again. The 'Uchiha Clan'. What about them? I was hearing that clans name every time someone had a conversation and it was annoying.

"Who are the Uchihas?" I asked and the room went silent. All pairs if eyes landed on me and I frowned. "What? You guys mention that so much, so I was curious." I shrugged and Butsuma san narrowed his eyes at me. "You don't need to know." He sneered and my eyebrow twitched. I was seriously starting to get annoyed by his bossy and stuck up attitude and I thought I'd give him a piece of my mind. "Look here, buddy. For your information, whether you like it or not, I happen to be staying here because you guys were being so paranoid about everything."

"And since I'm here because of your force, you should be glad I'm not giving you problems and just asking you some basic questions. And I have every right to know the reason why I'm being held here more like a prisoner." I glared and Butsuma san was at a loss of words. It looked like no one had ever spoken to him like this before and everyone in the room had become tense. Tobirama san was more angry than tense, but I continued to glare, not ready to back down one bit.

"You wench! Learn to hold your tongue in front of a man!" He yelled at me as he banged his fist on the table and Hashirama san looked between us nervously. I scoffed and crossed my arms as I turned to look away from him.. "Puh-lease....just because everyone here is so old fashioned, don't expect me to act the same way. Everyone has the right to speak and get information when it concerns them, so I want answers." I glared again and he stood up. He walked to me, pulled me up by the collar and slapped me.

Okay, now this really pissed me off! I turned to him, jumped, turned on my feet and tried to kick him in the face. He easily caught my foot in mid air and I lifted my other leg, going upside down and wrapping it around his neck. I put my hands on the ground in front of his feet and tried to pull him forward and throw him, but he didn't budge. Instead, he caught my leg and threw me into my back several feet away from him. I coughed and pushed up on my elbows and watched him with an annoyed gaze.

Damn it! Why wasn't I able to get him! And this was a pretty advanced move! If it were anyone else, they would have falls ti the ground in a flash! "This is worse than child's play." He sneered and I tch'd. How could I have forgotten? These guys were 'ninjas'. Well, just 'cause they had the fancy title, it didn't make them superman or batman or something. But still, I could tell they were on a different level than me.

I scowled and looked away and Tobirama san was the next person to kneel in front of me and bring me up with a grip on my collar. But I shoved his hand off, stood up, dusted myself and went to sit in the place I was sitting before.....with an angry pout. "Stupid ninjas,  stupid powers, stupid everything." I muttered to myself and after a few minutes of my audience staring, they went back to their boring discussion. Well, they had realized that I wasn't going to try anything funny again so they seemed to calm down and went on with their discussions.

Jeez, it took them almost three hours to finish talking. I had managed to get a nap, take some time day dreaming and staring into spaced bored out if my brains and then they finally came to me to talk. "I thought you weren't going to finish till tomorrow....took you guys long enough." I deadpanned and received a glare from Tobirama san. I gave him a 'seriously-stop-glaring-at-me' look and they all sat down in front of me.

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now