Chapter 5 - I have powers?!

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Tobirama pov:

“Aniki, please….think this through again.” I said as he put on his shoes. “No Tobirama, we cant treat her like a prisoner. She sounded honest when she said she didn’t know she could hear people’s thoughts. Either way, its not gentlemanly to treat a girl like this.” He said and I sighed. Leave it to my overly soft brother to support a stranger…..he was so gullible sometimes.

“Tobirama, you said that she didn’t do anything suspicious when you went out with her on her morning run. In fact, you said that her stamina was quite low. Perhaps she really is from another dimension so we should treat her well.” Aniki argued and I shook my head at his kindness. “Now go and bring her to the meeting room. At least all the high up shinobi should know of her coming here. Then we can decide properly how to figure out her powers.” He said and walked out of the room before I could say anything.

Sometimes, he was just too kind. How could he just trust people like that? I know he wanted peace and for that to happen, we had to form alliances and trust people, but that was only after we knew them and found them clean. And now he just wanted to introduce her to everyone and give her more chances to gain intel on the Senju clan secrets if she was a spy.

I groaned but I had to listen to him. After all, he was my aniki and the leader of the Senju clan now. Father trusted that he had the capability to handle the clan and bring it up to its fullest potential. I trusted him too….but sometimes he was just too innocent and taking unnecessary chances especially with strangers like that girl.

I walked out of the room and headed towards Mio’s room. But as I got closer, the guards near her door stiffened and suddenly pulled out kunais and looked at the door. I narrowed my eyes dangerously and sprinted to the door. But when I reached, I froze as well.

From the inside, we could all hear strange music. The kind we had never heard before.

I couldn’t tell what instruments they were using but after a few seconds, we heard voices as well. I clenched my fists and my jaw. I knew it! She could not be trusted! There were people who had come to find her! They were probably from her clan and since we didn’t know of their abilities, we had to be very careful. And judging from the reactions of the people who were left to guard her, they didn’t even realize someone had entered.

I pulled out a katana and slowly opened the door and looked in. The music continued to play and I saw her sitting in front of the mirror and combing her hair. She was singing the song as well and I couldn’t understand the words that left her mouth. the only word I understood was ‘replay’. But I didn’t see anyone inside the room besides her but the music seemed to be coming from where she was seated.

But that’s not what bothered me. As she ran the comb through her hair that she had pulled onto one side, she looked….beautiful. My chest suddenly felt tight and I clenched my jaw, grinding my teeth together in discomfort.

The kimono that she was wearing was dark blue and had silver flowers painted on it and her pants were dark blue as well. She was very fair and the clothes contrasted with her skin so well. She was slim and her face features were perfect. And for a moment, I hesitated as I heard her silky voice as she sang.

Wait, what? Did I just say her ‘silky’ voice?

I held onto my katana tighter and took a breath to get rid of my ridiculous thoughts. I stepped into the room and walked towards her. She didn’t seem to realize that I had entered the room and she moved her hair to her other side and continued to comb it. She was still singing and when I got closer to her, I noticed a black object on the table from which the music seemed to emanate from.

“What is that?” I asked and she jumped. “Omo kapchagi! [oh my gosh!]” She nearly fell off the chair she was sitting on turned to look at me panting as she placed a hand over her chest. She sighed and closed her eyes. “Oh jeez, you really startled me.” She said and shook her head as she stood up. She stood up setting her hair in place and looked at me. “What’s what?” She asked and I narrowed my eyes.

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