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Mi Ho pov:

"That hurts, woman!" Madara roared as I treated a huge gash on his back. I didn't flinch like Hashirama who was getting his injuries treated by Tobirama.

"Well, I wouldn't hurt as much if you stay still!" I retorted. Friendly spar with Hashirama, he says. Then why on earth are he and Hashirama sitting here blood oozing out of their bodies with them flinching every time Tobirama and I applied anti septic salve? Ugh....men and their words. They say something and it always means something else!

"M-madara, you should be happy your wife is helping you....I don't have that luxury." Hashirama tried to help, but it only made Madara's frown deepen. I chuckled shaking my head. Typical response if you ask me.

It had been five months since the wedding happened. Things have improved drastically since then with Madara and the village. Madara hadn't spoken even once to me about his plan to bring peace to the world and all the Uchihas including him started to get more social in the village. The newer clans that moved in didn't hesitate to talk to them or ask them for help and all of them were just as nice in return.

In one way, I'm really glad that I had to go through all that in the future and the past of this world. It gave me the chance of creating a present that didn't involve any scheming evil plans and hopefully the future wouldn't end up with the Infinite Tsukiyomi plan that the Madara in the future had come to execute.

Besides that, the two of us got along really well. We did occasionally bicker, which was fun and a moment to laugh about when we remembered some time later. If we didn't bicker, it wouldn't be Mio and Madara, now would it? But when it came to times when we were alone, we enjoyed each other's company, silence, and occasional random talks.

Madara was exceptionally possessive of me which I have to say, I found quite pleased about. It was a little annoying when he acted that way even if I just spoke to any other guy in friendly terms. I cant blame him for over reacting in the case of Tobirama though. Nonetheless, I totally love being the only one he looks at.

He's also really passionate during the night. Well, I'm not talking just about that, but also the way he holds me to his chest while we sleep. Occasionally, he lets me hold him just like the way I had done so on the day of our wedding. Either way, we're always stuck and wrapped together under she sheets when we sleep. And that's the only time I get to see his hidden mildly gentle and caring side. Well, anyone would be surprised if I said Madara is caring, but its only towards me.

He has his own way of being nice and showing that he doesn't want anything to happen to me. There was this one instance I had cut my hand when I was chopping tomatoes for lunch. It was entirely my fault actually because I was holding the tomato in my hand and cutting down towards my palm. It wasn't the first time I was cutting something like this but accidents happen right?

When Madara saw my blood dripping hand, he had dragged me halfway across the Uchiha compound and wrapped my hand with so much bandage that the end of my hand looked like a mini soccer ball. I swear, he's so good at fighting, he's so powerful and yet he doesn't know how to treat a simple wound. He refused to let me take it off and redo it myself and so the whole of that day and night I was stuck with the big roll of bandages on my hand.

Yup....he had a way of being annoyingly protective too.

"Okay, all done." I finished putting the pin that would hold the bandages around his torso. I kissed his shoulder from behind, making him stiffen and walked away to put the stuff back in the first aid box. I was someone who liked to express love openly. Madara wasn't like that but because I wouldn't stop doing it, he had to accept it. Well, he didn't accept it, but I agreed to do so only around very close people. Hashirama, Tobirama and two or three others of the Uchiha clan were the exception.

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now