Chapter 31 - Family feud

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Mi Ho pov:

The rest of the evening at the restaurant wad torture. Oppa and I looked totally okay and pumping and lively on the outside, but that was far from the truth. I was stuck with a mix of confusion, hurt and anger, while oppa was stuck with a mix of anger and fear.

Eonni had made out rather easily that something hand happened between us and she had asked oppa if everything was alright. Oppa didn't want her to worry so he just told her that he had something to discuss with all of us once the party at the restaurant was over. She was still wary of the way we were acting, but not wanting to cause an uproar here in the restaurant, she didn't push the topic further.

It was finally time to go home. After saying goodbye to all the people who worked at the restaurant with convincing fake smiles, we headed back to Ryoshi's house. We were all tired, but when we reached his house, oppa stopped us in the living room.

"Ryoshi, I'd like it if Mi Ho stayed with us in the inn tonight. Its been a really long time since we've spent time together so I'd like her to come with us tonight." Oppa said with a smile. It was the most convincing and believable reason that anyone could come up with in this situation. And obviously, Ryoshi didn't object one bit.

"Of course, Lee Jae nii sama. She is your sister and you have every right to take her with you wherever you want to." He smiled. I was so not in a mood to smile or even say anything nicely but I did my best, clenching my jaw as I returned his smile.

I walked to my room and got a set of clothes for the night. I packed it in a bag and also packed a few other stuff I needed like moisturizer and body splash perfume. I was literally stuffing/throwing the things into my bag in my irritation but I paused and looked behind me when I heard Ryoshi enter. I managed another smile at him and turned around fully.

"Hey Ryoshi. Is there something you need?" He got slightly flustered when I asked him that and he averted his eyes from me. "A-ah, no....n-nothing really....I just....well...." I gave a soft laugh at his awkwardness. I shook my head and zipped up my bag. "You cant say what you want to say, Ryoshi." I coaxed.

He watched me for a moment as I stood in front of him with my bag on my shoulders and then he stepped forward. "I just wanted to say I'm going to miss you." He leaned down kissing my forehead gently and my eyes went wide. He pulled away quickly and flustered and scurried out of the room. I was left frozen but I gathered my thoughts together and walked out of the room to join oppa and eonni.

I just hope Madara wasn't around to have seen this. If he was, it was definitely the end for Ryoshi.

When we walked back to the living room, eonni was carrying Jin Hae; he had fallen asleep sometime during the wait to leave Ryoshi's house. We said our goodbyes to Ryoshi and headed to the inn where we would be staying for the night.

The walk to the inn was the most difficult I had ever faced before. No one spoke and I could make out oppa's obvious anger. When we got to the small apartment type of place we were given in the inn, eonni put Jin Hae to sleep in a room and closed the door so he wouldn't be disturbed during our discussion. As for me, I was like a ticking time bomb. I was restless and pretty much ready to explode. Depending on what oppa asked me, I wasn't sure if I'd end up yelling or simply walking out of the inn without talking to him at all.

"Mi Ho. What have you been thinking? When did all of this start?" He started. I clenched my jaw refusing to look at him and refusing to talk. I was afraid that I would really end up yelling, saying something rude to him and then regretting it later. He turned to me and stepped closer to me. "I asked you a question Mi Ho. Do you even know who he is? What kind of history he has? What kind of bad things the world talks about him? How can you...?"

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