Chapter 1 - Hello Fan meet!

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Mi Ho pov:

"Kamsamnida yorobun! Jincha Kamsamnida! [Thank you everyone! Thank you so much!]"

We heard all of our fans cheer again as we bowed holding each other’s hands on stage. Another great dance performance and another wonderful heartfelt fan meet. We had all finished the stage performance and it was time to head home through the crowd of screaming fans while sparing a few moments for autographs and pictures.

"Ka ja!" I grinned to my friends and they nodded. We all gave flying kisses to the crowd again and heard them cheer louder. We made it off the stage and smiled and waved as we walked to our car. There were so many people cheering for us as we left the venue of the competition and we stopped occasionally to let them take pictures with us. "Saranghaeyo Dynamo! [We love you Dynamo!]" Fans yelled our group name and we laughed as we blew flying kisses to them. I stopped and gave my signature peace sign as I posed for photos with fans.

After much autographs and pictures, we made it to our car and waved one last time before getting in and driving away to our house.

"That was really fun wasn't it, eonni?" I smiled as I relaxed into the seat. I was the youngest of the group so I was treated like a little kid by all the others. And when I came up with the name for our dance group, everyone liked it....they said that they should keep the name since the youngest had suggested it and that it also sounded creative. A perfect name for the group which had loads of energy to dance and bring happiness to the world - Dynamo.

"Yeah! I cant believe there were so many people! I think the number of our fans has doubled over the last year." Eun Hyung eonni said and I nodded."Kurokkuna....[seems like that]" I nodded my head and accepted a sandwich that Sunny eonni handed out to me. I thanked her and took a big bite out of the sandwich and it pretty much meted away in my mouth. Wow, I was so hungry and I didn't even realize it till now! Besides, Sunny eonni’s sandwiches were always so darn tasty!

We all ate the sandwiches and had some conversations about the competition. We were very confident that we would win at least second prize. One of the other groups was really good too and it was a tough competition with them. But we were pretty good too…..not to brag, but yeah. And we were sure we’d win this completion like all the others too.

Sunny eonni was telling us some jokes and we were laughing loudly. But I stopped talking as we passed by some roads and I saw a man mugging an old man. "Oppa, stop the car." I touched his shoulder and he slowed down before coming to a stop. "Ottokeden goya? [what’s going on?]" Sunny eonni asked and I opened the door and ran towards the road where the old man was being mugged.

I stopped when I saw three thugs leaning over an old man who had been pushed down to the ground and they were kicking him. Anger boiled inside me and I picked up a rock and threw it at one of the thugs.....aiming perfectly for his head. At that, the three of them turned around and I glared at them. "Stupid b****!! What do you think you're doing?!" One of them yelled and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Mugging an old man? How should pick on someone your own size, punk!" I yelled and they glared. "You b****!" They screamed and came to attack me. But I easily avoided all the attacks they threw at me and I used a few kicks and punches in return. A few seconds later, they were all on the ground moaning in pain. "Chh.." I clicked my tongue and stepped over them to the old man. I kneeled next to him and smiled. "Haraboji, quenchanayo? [grandpa, are you ok?]" I asked and he smiled. "De....Kamsamnida agaya. [yes….thank you child]"

I smiled and helped him stand up. I handed him his wallet that the thugs had taken and he smiled back. "Chulshim haseyo, haraboji. [please go safely, grandpa]" "De." He smiled and trotted away.

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