Chapter 10 - Annoyance

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Mi Ho pov:

"Stupid floor! Stupid stains!" I grumbled in annoyance as I scrubbed the floor.

I had been here for a week now. And since about two days, I have been cleaning the floors all over the main building. Stains and dirt was everywhere and I had to scrub so hard just to get them off. It was such a pain in the neck! And the worst part was that by the time I finished cleaning the place, the next day it would be covered in dirt and I had to scrub it off all over again! I was clumsy and I had to do it with my left hand because my right arm had been given a nice gift from the one and only Madara. Jerk!

And what is it with these Uchihas?! The women never cribbed about the work no matter how many times they had to do the same job, and mind you, they did the frikkin' same job every single day. They never complained even once, unlike me who constantly cribbed about it. They even said that it was an honor working in the main house and getting the chance to serve Madara sama. Urrghh!! 

Madara sama this! Madara sama that! I honestly don't understand what they saw in a pompous dictator like him, but it was like he was their God or something.

I gave a sigh as I took a break from scrubbing the floor. I looked up at the guards who were watching me like I was going to jump and run away any moment. "You know, you could stop staring. Its getting on my nerves." I said. They narrowed their eyes but didn't look away. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I went back to scrubbing the floor.

I had my fill of fun here to some extent. I was rebellious and I always managed to find ways to get Madara angry. He was so short tempered and he took even the silliest joke so seriously. And let me tell you, even though he yelled at me for insulting him, the look on his face was always priceless. It encouraged me to taunt him more but I would stop when I noticed that he was close to exploding.

I would always find ways to talk back to him too. For example, if he asked me something on the lines of 'who do you think you are talking to?' I would retort with a 'who do you think I'm talking to?'. It was that sort of conversation that I always ended up having with Madara. Besides, I even had the fun of messing with him during meal times. Well, I was responsible for cleaning the hallways and serving Madara, Izuna, and Tajima san dinner everyday so it was a golden opportunity.

I even managed to accidentally trip over nothing on the floor and drop a bowl of hot curry all over Madara's shirt. It was entertaining as he fumed and I gave an innocent apology like so, 'oops, my bad.'

I chuckled as I remembered that incident. He was fuming and all the women who were standing with me were trembling and scurrying around trying to find a way to get the curry off Madara and I was just watching the whole scene controlling my laughter. C'mon, he totally deserved it! He was too prideful and he kept acting like no one was better than him....and I for one, dislike people who think like that. And he was always such a prick to me so he totally deserved that.

Besides my clashes with Madara, I observed the Izuna was quite different from him. He was calm and composed most of the time. He listened to Madara and followed his orders and wishes like it was his own. And he was also quite protective of his brother. At least I think so. I hadn't seen his personality when he was in battle, but he supported and watched out for Madara even in day to day life. I appreciated his affection for his big brother. But, he also gave me looks of distaste when I argued with Madara or did something that annoyed him.

Tajima san and Mioki san too didn't fancy me much. Well why would they? I was completely the opposite of their 'customs'. But its not like I needed their approval for who I am. I wasn't from this world and I didn't have to follow all the stupid customs of this world. Especially the one where women were expected to be completely submissive to the men.

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