Chapter 25 - Akatsuki

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Ryoshi pov:

Morning came rather quickly. I was wary of the new guest that I had in my home. The girl, Mio was the one Lee Jae nii sama had asked me to take care of. I had blindly agreed just considering how much I owed to him, but now I felt that I should have tried to get more details before bringing this girl home.

After all, nii sama had just said a girl would probably come near the village from Iwa. I didn't know if this girl was the person nii sama knew. She could be a spy, acting to be nii sama's younger sister so she could raid this poor village.....not that she would get much out of these people anyway. But I could tell she was decent in fighting, she had said so herself too. Maybe I had been too trusting.....I should have tried to get to know more about her before letting her sleep in the spare room.

Perhaps I should have asked nii sama to at least describe her. Talk about her looks or the way she talked or even about her fighting skills. Nii sama hadn't told me anything and I couldn't be 100% sure I this girl really was the one I was supposed to have saved. After all, Iwa wasn't the type to let people escape from them so easily. Maybe she was really a spy from Iwa and I was just being fooled.

She had woken up some time ago and I could hear strange sounds from around the house. After debating for a while, I too had gotten up, gotten dressed for the day, a kunai hidden in my shirt to use in case I found her doing something out of the ordinary.

Taking a breath and preparing for the worst, I walked out of my room and to the kitchen where I could hear noises. When I reached there, I was quite surprised to see that she had set two plates, two cups of water, steaming and rather delicious looking food served on the breakfast counter of the kitchen. She was still wearing my clothes, a baggy shirt and a pair of baggy pants. I have to say, it did look sort of comical, but she didn't seem to mind it much.

When she saw me enter the kitchen, she smiled. "Good morning, Ryoshi! Did you sleep well? I sure did! Oh, I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty to use your kitchen and make breakfast. I was getting hungry." She smiled sheepishly and motioned for me to take a seat as well. At least she had made breakfast for me too.

I sat down at the table, opposite to her and glancing at the strange food. It smelled good but I was a little wary of the way it looked. I hadn't seen this kind of food before.

Mio seemed to notice my hesitance and she chuckled as she began to eat. "I'm a pretty good cook, if that's what you're worried about. In fact, Ki bim bap is one of my specialties....its kind of a mixed vegetable rice." She said as she continued to eat her share. She couldn't have made the food separately. The number of vessels, the way the food had been put onto the plates....she had served herself first. I suppose I could eat it since it wasn't too suspicious....

I picked up the chopsticks and took the first bite. Surprisingly, the food was good. I looked at her as she ate and chuckled to myself. I guess she wasn't really something I had to be worried about. But I knew, I had got my hands on a strange one.

Mi Ho pov:

I've been here living with Ryoshi for two days now. This village is quite a peaceful place, with friendly villagers who accepted me when i was introduced by Ryoshi.

But I can also tell the Ryoshi has been getting a little restless lately. I am after all and outsider who randomly popped up outside this village and who he took in. He hasn't asked me any details about myself, blindly trusting oppa's request to help me. Then again, oppa hasn't visited since I got here so Ryoshi seems to be getting a little uncomfortable with a stranger being in his house like this.

I guess things have been a little hard on oppa too. After I escaped from Iwa, there was probably a lot of commotion and confusion happening in the village. After all, the did lose me and I was quite an asset to them. Hey, I didn't want to be some kind of tool that people could randomly throw around from place to place! I'm a human being! I have rights and feeling and freedom and emotions!! They cannot treat me like I'm some inanimate object!

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