Chapter 35 - Shadows of the past

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Mi Ho pov:

This was crazy. This was totally crazy! First I turn up in this world, in this totally messed up world, fall in love with a totally insane guy, get chucked to the future by him and now I'm in a time where he's possibly just a bratty kid!

What on earth is going on?!

I sighed, shaking my head ad I looked out the window of my room. It was a rather pleasant day and I had surprisingly slept well last night. I got up from the floor and stretched my arms above my head. I was back to wearing these thick heavy kimonos.....they were really bothersome.

I decided to take a walk. Some fresh air really felt like it would help me now. I was sure some people would follow me to keep watch on me, but I had been followed around so much that I was quite used to it. I didn't have to inform anyone and I didn't have anything to take with me either. The sun was warm, the breeze light, make it my ideal weather.

I could sense three people following me as I left the compound for a walk in the forest. I ignored them and looked at the canopy of the trees with a smile. Following the same trail, I could sense three people in the distance. Two of them I could make out clearly - Hashirama and Tobirama. They were much weaker than the chakras I knew before but as I had seen yesterday they were still kids so it was obvious they were yet to get their actual level of chakra.

But I was yet to get over the surprise of seeing them as kids.

I continued until I reached them. When I did, they stopped talking and looked at me with sharp eyes. Wow, they looked pretty stern even though they were still so young.

"Hey....hope I didn't disturb you. I was just taking a walk." "You're the person we saw in tou sama's room yesterday." Little Tobirama was quick to catch on. I nodded taking the liberty to sit on the huge boulder beside them. "Yeah, I'm a wandering healer. I was lost in the forest yesterday but your clansmen were nice enough to bring me here." I smiled again.

"So you're Butsuma san's kids huh?" I asked. They narrowed their eyes at me but nodded. "I'm Tobirama. This is my older brother Hashirama and our younger brother Itama." "Ah, I see. So what were you guys talking about?" I don't know if my question sounded sort of imposing, but I asked it anyway. They didn't have to tell me the truth, right?

"Our youngest brother is dead." This time, Hashirama spoke. I looked at him, a little surprised about what he just said. "He was just seven years old and he's dead! Because of this stupid war! Because everyone thinks that killing each other is just to attain peace!" He shut his eyes tightly holding in the tears that wanted to escape.

"Ni sama! You don't have to tell some stranger !" Tobirama scolded slightly.

I was flabbergasted. A child barely seven years old had been sent to fight a war and had died? If I thought the time when Madara and Izuna were fighting against Hashirama and Tobirama was crazy, what on earth was I supposed to say about this time? How could kids be sent out to fight a war?! No matter how skilled they were, they were still kids and kids had to be innocent! Not going around killing others....or getting killed.

Hashirama hadn't stopped trembling in rage and sadness. I didn't know what else to do, so I moved closer to him on the boulder and pulled him to my chest. I had a hand on his head, patting him gently in an attempt to console him. He stiffened at first, but wrapped his small arms around me and cried into my chest.

Itama, the little kid with half brown and half silver hair and sparkling brown eyes began to tear up as well. I chuckled softly and held out my other hand to him. He didn't seem to be as good at controlling his crying though. He collided with me almost making me fall over and he too began to cry into my chest. I patted both of their back gently and whispered words of courage.

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