Chapter 39 - Announcement

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Mi Ho pov:

Lifting my hands from under the warm sheets, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I blinked several times, adjusting to the light in the room. I was tired and refreshed at the same time and I wondered what I had done to feel this way.

I looked around and spotted a sleeping Madara on the bed beside me. All the things that happened yesterday – returning to this time frame, the kiss, the condition and finally....everything came back to me. I blushed slightly but smiled. I was happy. After so long of being in confusion and anger and arguing with Madara, we were finally like this in the same room, a serene feeling in my heart.

I turned to sleep on my side so I could see Madara properly as he slept. I had both hands under my cheek, a constant smile as I observed his features. He was sleeping rather deeply and I realized, this was the first time I had seen him sleeping. We always slept in separate rooms in the Uchiha compound and once we moved to Konoha, we lived almost in either ends of the village. He looked very comfortable and calm as he slept.

I wonder if this is how he always slept or if it was because I had finally accepted him and we had shared our love yesterday.

I reached out to him, moving some of his hair that had fallen haphazardly on his face. I pushed it behind his ear and caressed his cheek with the back of my fingers. I stiffened and pulled my hand away when he scrunched up his face. I didn't know if he was a light sleeper and I didn't want to wake him.

He let out a noise that was a mix of a whine and a groan before snuggling his face deeper into the pillow. I brought my fist to my mouth giggling softly. Since when did the fearful Madara look so adorable? Jeez, I just wanted to kiss him right now!

I turned to sleep on my back and stretched my arms above my head. I loved this! Finally some happy time with Madara!

I smiled again and got up. I wrapped one of the sheets around my body and stood up. I staggered for a moment, feeling the pain and soreness of my body from my first time. Madara wasn't exactly gentle yesterday, but he was passionate and I guess that is what mattered to express your love right? After all, Madara wasn't a gentle person to begin with. He could have a few instances here and there when he was not as rough as usual, but he was still pretty crude. I guess it was expected in this too. Besides, I had barely slept! He had so much stamina to keep me up almost the whole night....

It was around 7:30 in the usual, despite wanting to sleep in, my biological clock had woken me up at the usual time. I looked around at our clothes that were literally scattered around the room. I slowly walked around, picking up all of our clothes before heading into the bathroom. I dumped them into the laundry basket and locked the door to take a shower to freshen up for the day.

As I showered, I looked at myself in the mirror. I realized that there were so many red marks on my skin. Its like Madara hadn't left even an inch of my body untouched and unmarked by him. Jeez, talk about heights of possessiveness! There were especially three marks that were so red, I was sure it would take a few days to disappear. But thankfully, they were on parts that would be covered by my clothes - my left shoulder, one spot on my left ribs and another on my right waist. I touched the spot on my shoulder with a soft laugh. The mark that showed that I was now Madara's; It actually made me feel warm and tingly inside.

When I was satisfied with my shower, I headed out of the bathroom in a clean pair of clothes - a light baggy top and a pair of slim fit pants. I looked at the bed to see Madara still asleep but now sleeping on his back. The blanket was covering him till his waist and I smiled. I walked to him and pulled the sheet till his chest. I watched him as he took deep breaths. His lips were slightly parted and I gave him a feather light kiss, not wanting to disturb his sleep. I caressed his head once more before moving away.

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