Chapter 24 - Escape

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Mi Ho pov:

"I got you lunch!" I grinned as my door was opened and oppa stepped into the room. I was getting bored out of my brains just staring out of the window and watching the people walking around below. I was so high up, that all the people almost looked like little specks in the distance. Besides, I had nothing to do here. They didn't even let me read books!

The two ninjas who were watching me left and I jumped off the bed to walk to oppa. "Oppa! You took so long! I got so bored!" I complained and he chuckled. "Yes yes, I know. You're the kind of person who cant sit doing nothing even for few minutes. I really pity seeing you here like this." I gave him and angry pout, getting another chuckle in return.

"Okay, eat up! I got your favorite today! I had Yin Sae cook it for you!" My pout disappeared, replaced with a big grin as the heavenly smell of kimchi and ja jang myun noodles reached my nose. "Wah! Masshitta! [looks tasty!]" I rubbed my hands together as he opened the boxes and placed them on the small table in the room. I sat down on the chair and darted my eyes at all the delicious dishes on the table. I didn't bother waiting for him to sit down and I reached for the chopsticks and began eating.

As the first bit literally melted in my mouth, I couldn't help but float away into La La Land. Oh how I had missed the taste of Korean food! And having Yin Sae eonni cook it, it was just perfect!

When I was done eating, well actually, I had licked off every speck of kimchi left and I sat with a hand on my full satisfied stomach. "Ah....jal mogosso [I ate well]." I mumbled earning a chuckle from oppa. "Well, I can certainly see you've eaten well." He teased and I laughed.

"Haaahh....oppa, do you know how boring it is here? They don't let me go anything besides stare put the window. I'm going to go crazy if I have to do this for any longer! Man, I wish they could at least get my music stiff from least then I wouldn't be so bored." I whined out as oppa packed up the dishes. But as I said that, he stopped and looked up at me with a strange look on his face. "Mwo ya? [What?]" I asked him and he frowned.

"Mi Ho ya....yeogi...i sesang eso onje wasso? [Mi world, when did you come here?] No....when was the last time you contacted us?" He asked. I put a finger to my chin as I thought through all the events that had happened. "Well, judging from everything that has happened, I would say that the last dance we did, Hello by SHINee was about a week ago; before I was unceremoniously thrown into Konoha 100 years in the future." I made a face of slight distaste as I said that. Oppa didn't seem too happy about my answer though, which only made my discomfort increase.

"Mi Ho ya....since how long have you been in this world?" "Oppa, why all the questions suddenly?" I asked back, hoping for some explanation at the change in seriousness. He just shook his head, coaxing me to answer the question and I sighed. "I came to this world, I don't know how, but I came here when I left for home about six months ago. I have been able to get in contact with all of you because of the hologram equipment and I was able to come for all the recordings." Oppa seemed deep in thought for a few minutes before he sighed and shook his head. He sat down on the bed and rubbed his face as if he were stressed about something.

"Mi doesn't add up." "What doesn't add up? Oppa, you're not making any sense! C'mon, tell me so I can understand!" I asked getting slightly worried about his reaction now. "Mi Ho, you've been missing for more than a year now! After the recording for Hello, we couldn't contact you, we couldn't find you...its like you disappeared! We had the police look for you for almost two months but they closed the case because they couldn't find you still."

I narrowed my eyes. "What? Oppa, that's just crazy! I spoke to you guys just a week ago!! Unless you consider the magical leap of 100 years I got here...." I grumbled. "That's it....I think the time slip you had here caused a time rift in our world too. I've been here since half a year too and not once did i imagine I would run into you. You don't know how relieved I was when I saw you alive and well." He smiled at me. Well, what he said did make sense. After all, a time leap of 100 years was crazy....its not actually surprising if there was some sort of time distortion in my world too.

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