Chapter 9 - The Uchihas

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Mi Ho pov:

How long till we get there?!! Ugh, my stomach was killing me! If I had known I was going to be manhandled like this, I would have skipped doing stomach crunches and making my abs so sore! And having this guy carry me on his shoulder like some rag doll wasn't helping my already sore abs!!!

I don't know how long it took for us to reach the compound of this clan, but when we did reach, I was dropped to the ground unceremoniously. I coughed as I landed in the hard ground and I clutched the cloth over my stomach. I coughed more and I heard a scoff from the person who had carried me here. "Appo....[that hurts]" I mumbled and looked up at the man to give him a glare. Ha narrowed his eyes at my behavior and glared back.

"Cant you be gentler?!" I yelled at him and he looked irritated. "Don't you know how to talk to superiors? Especially sine you are talking to men? And its not my fault that you're so pathetically weak." He sneered and I rolled my eyes. I winced as I stood up slowly while still holding my stomach. "I am not weak, okay? I've been exercising and concentrating on my core since the past week and I'm sore there. And carrying me on your shoulder like a rag doll didn't help my already aching abs. And what's with the 'you have to know how to talk to men' part? Talk about a major ego issue." I said and crossed my arms.

"And who are you anyway? I mean, you just randomly pop up in the Senju compound and you take me away without even telling me who you are. That's real rude, you know?" He narrowed his eyes and so did the men who were standing behind him. "I am Uchiha Madara, leader of the Uchiha clan." "Ah! So you're the clan with the sharingan. The red eye thing." I said and he frowned more. "I see you have been informed."

"Yeah, well the Senjus kept mentioning your clan for a lot if things. It was starting to get to me so I asked to know about your clan. I read a few books about your clan and your abilities, but there wasn't anything in detail." I shrugged as I picked up my bag from the floor. I dusted it and put it over my shoulder before looking at this Madara person again. "So, do I have to meet your father as well? Hashirama and Tobirama were particular about that when I first arrived there." "Don't you dare say his name in front of me!" I cringed back slightly as he yelled. He looked really pissed and I gave him a 'stop-giving-me-that-look' expression. I took in a breath from my mouth and rolled my eyes. "Alright, alright! No need to get so huffy! Jeez...."

"Aniki." I looked begin him and a person looking just like him came into view. "Oh! So you have a younger brother too. You two look really alike....unlike Hashi, I mean, unlike the Senjus." I corrected as he gave me another signature glare. Wow, this guys face seemed to be scrunched up all the time. He'd probably get wrinkles early.

"So this is her?" The younger one said and I held up a peace sign and grinned. "Hey! Pleasure to meet you." "What is your name?" He asked with a narrow gaze. "You know, its not nice to ask people's names before introducing yourself....especially when you guys kidnapped me."  "Hold your tongue wench!" Madara yelled and I raised a brow at him. "Why is everyone here so stiff? Haven't you heard, give respect to get respect?"

"Wench!" Madara yelled and shot forward. I gasped as I was pushed on my back onto the ground and he was hovering over me with a tight grip on my throat. It was suffocating. His hold was really tight a d I was choking. I held his hand and tried to pull it off but it wouldn't budge. I pushed on his chest desperately and he loosned his hold. I opened my eyes to look at him and saw his red eyes. The minute I net his gaze, I was plunged into a world of black, red and white.

I blinked ad I looked around. I couldn't tell where I was and I was pretty much standing on thin air. It was weird and a little uncomfortable. "Are you afraid?" I turned around to see Madara. I frowned and pouted. "Not really....where exactly are we?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes. "You are in my tsukiyomi. Do you know what that means?" I nodded and thought for a moment. "Um...if my memory serves right, its a illusion technique that you possess because of your sharingan. So you can make the opponent see what you want them to, right?"

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now