Chapter 8 - Whisked away

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Mi Ho pov:

"C'mon! That's not fair!! I'm not as fast as you Tobirama!" I whined as he held one of my shoes in the air and mocked me with a teasing smile.

I grumbled as I stepped out of the pond and wrung the excess water out of my hair. Tobirama chuckled at my state and I pouted at him. He was so mean!

It has been two weeks since I came to this world. Two weeks since I started living with the Senjus and about 10 days since my dance performance in front of the Senjus and the Uzumakis. After my dance performance and a few questions as interrogation, the people here began to trust me. They stopped thinking that I was a spy and they let me move around freely within the Senju compound. Besides, I had even apologized for yelling at them for their protectiveness towards their clan so they were at ease around me now.

Well, freely in the sense that I was allowed to walk around and meet Raito, Tobirama, Hashirama and Butsuma san when I had questions or requests. When I asked them questions about ninjas ans specific clans whose names were mentioned I books I read, the usually kept me in the dark. Looks like they didn't want me knowing too much either.

I had become well acquainted with everyone here. I was allowed to call everyone by their first names and I spent quite a lot of time with Tobirama. He was a really nice guy once you got to know him. Besides, he was the one who had to watch over me and help me learn a little bit of self defense. Of course, since I had trained for the CIA exam, my skills were pretty good to begin with. But I had to learn to match up with ninja speed and ninja intelligence....which didn't seem to come to me easily at all. And that's why it was so easy for Tobirama to push me into the pond and have a nice laugh as I climbed out soaked to the bone.

Besides that, the Senjus and Uzumakis have been using my abilities for fighting the war against the Uchihas. It has been quite effective, so to say. I usually tell them who is in danger and possible where they are bound to get hurt and they take necessary measures to make sure the person doesn't get wounded seriously. Well, its not like you can avoid it completely. But because of my warning, they have been able to reduce the seriousness of the wounds inflicted on the one in danger.

"Give me back my shoe!" I ran behind Tobirama as he jumped away from me, easily dodging me everytime I tried to take my shoe. After a few minutes I gave up and frowned. "Ish....bongchongi [dummy]." I muttered and crossed my arms as I turned my back to him. I squeaked as he appeared right in front of me the next second with his face a few inches from mine. I stumbled backwards and he chuckled. "I didn't understand what you just said." Tobirama said and I stuck out my tongue. "I called you a dummy!"

"Bad idea." He said and smirked. My eyes went wide and I took off running as fast as I could. But obviously, he caught up with me easily and I was knocked to the ground. I didn't want to fall so I grabbed Tobirama's sleeve and ended up pulling him down with me. I fell on my back and I shut my eyes expecting to get squished under Tobirama but thankfully, he supported himself on his arms as he fell. But he was still heavy and the wind was knocked out of my lungs.

"Uff! He-heavy!" I yelped and Tobirama moved off me to give my lungs the much needed air. I coughed and laughed. It was funny and Tobirama chuckled as well. But I stiffened and stopped laughing when I realized our position. He was hovering over me and my hands were on his chest. We were too close to comfort and we didn't break eye contact.

We didn't move and my heart jolted as Tobirama began to lean down. My eyes went wide as his eyes closed and his lips met mine in a soft kiss. I couldn't believe what was happening and he tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss a little. I was frozen in shock but I didn't dislike the feeling. I had become close to Tobirama and perhaps I did return his feelings but.....

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