Chapter 14 - Getting along

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Mi Ho pov:

I was frozen solid. My eyes wide and my heart pounding in my ears.

What…..what the hell was going on?! Why on earth was Madara kissing me?!

I had just finished my dance and Madara had stomped up to me. When he had done so, I thought he was either going to yell at me or punch me in the stomach for wearing short clothes and doing the ‘crappy’ dance. But this was totally unexpected! He had literally grabbed the back of my head and crushed me against himself in a kiss! And I felt like my hair was going to be ripped off my head!

There were so many people here watching us. I could hear them whispering and I could hear Tajima san yelling at Madara to ‘stop this nonsense’. But Madara was defiant and he didn’t let me even budge. I squirmed and struggled as I pushed hard against his chest to get him off me. What was wrong with him?! How could he kiss me without my permission?! I didn’t even like him!

The way he was kissing me, he was starting to cut off the air supply to my lungs. I was getting suffocated and I put in as much energy as I could and pushed his chest again. I turned my head to the side breaking the contact of our lips and I panted. I glared at him as he glared at me through his sharingan. “What the hell do you think you’re do…mmgffh!!” I wanted to curse at him, but he was quick to grab the back of my head again and crush his lips against me in another dominating kiss.

Ok, that’s it! This guy was crazy! He was close to bruising my lips at the force he was using. And even worse, he was trying to pry my lips apart with his tongue to deepen the kiss. And this time, no matter how much energy I put in, I couldn’t push him off or even turn my head.

Using the last idea in my head, I lifted my leg and kicked him. I kicked him on his bone between his knee and foot. The bone in that area was directly exposed with no muscles covering it and I knew that if someone got hit there, it would hurt like crazy. And just as I had hoped, my plan worked. The minute I kicked him, he grunted in pain and let go of me. I took the chance to get out of his hold and I took a few steps back. Then I slapped him. Hard.

I was panting and my hand was still lifted in the air as I watched him with a glare. The atmosphere in the room was tense and the others watched me with wide eyes. No one dared to say anything and I noticed them take worried glances at Madara. His head was turned to the side and the cheek that I had slapped was turning red. He didn’t moved and I couldn’t see his expression because his hair covered his face.

I slowly lowered my hand and composed my breathing. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and turned around when my sisters spoke. “Yah Mi Ho ya….mwo haneungo ya? [what are you doing?]” I gave a fake smile and shook my head. “Ah don’t worry. A situation just came up. I’ll talk to you later…..can you send me the video of the edited dance? I’ll have a look at it….and let me know when the next recording is.” I said and they nodded in confusion.

I took off the bracelet and switched off the holograms. I looked back at Madara who was now watching me with a look of pure malice. I narrowed my eyes at him, not fazed by his expression one bit. “Wench!” He yelled and lifted his hand to hit me. But I closed my eyes and held up my hand in annoyance indicating him to stop. I wasn’t expecting him to stop but surprisingly, he did. I opened my eyes. I was pissed. I was irritated. How could he have kissed me?! Where were his manners?!

“Don’t you dare yell at me! It’s your fault! Have you forgotten you’re engaged? Your fiancée is right there if you need a reminder.” I pointed to Aimi who was watching us in pure shock. “Besides, why did you kiss me? You hate me and I hate you! What’s the big idea?” I glared and he gritted his teeth. “Shut up wench! Don’t tell me what to do!” He growled. I rolled my eyes at his anger. “I’m not telling you to do anything….I asked you if you’re in the right mind and you realize what you just did.” I snapped.

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now