Chapter 18 - Feelings?

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This chapter is dedicated to TvonUchiha! Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

Its been two days since I helped Madara. I sneaked in some medicine for him and asked the healer not to tell anyone about it. But after that, I haven’t seen him.

I had heard that he went out to fight the war against the Senjus just like always. I don’t really know if the time I spent telling him to follow his heart did anything but I was actually hoping that he would agree to the peace treaty. I know that I told him that I wouldn’t judge his decision, but having a peace treaty was really tempting. After all, I would be with Hashirama, Tobirama and Madara and since I enjoyed everyone’s company, it would be a good decision.

I had been taking my free time to get back on my workout and my dance because the next performance date had already been set. Unfortunately since I was limited on fashion stores here, ii had to stitch my own clothes. I had asked for different colored clothes as well as dyes since I couldn’t find the patterns that I wanted on the fabric. Besides, I couldn’t find anyone who knew how to stitch the clothes the way I wanted them and it was quite a hassle to explain the designs to them.

Of course, I was no fantastic tailor. I messed up the first few clothes because my stitching ability wasn’t really great. Either the stitches were too loose or not in a straight line. I even poked my fingers with the needle a million times and I had bandages on almost all fingers. Since I realized I was very prone to these pricks, I put on thimbles on all fingers of my left hand to make sure I didn’t prick myself again.

Besides that, my cell phone has zero signal here. Its nothing new, but the problem is that I haven’t been able to receive any of the videos of the dances we have recorded ever since I came to this world. The only form of communication I have is when I use the hologram bracelet. I guess my sisters have figured that out too so they mentioned it last time we spoke. And so the date for the next dance was given to me when we saw each others as holograms.

“Ouch darn it!” I yelled as I pricked my palm this time. I clenched my jaw but I shut my eyes and let out a deep breath through my nose to calm down. I put down the needle and sighed. I rubbed my eyes that were burning from concentration so much on stitching. They were hot and tired.

I got up from the floor and walked to the bathroom. I opened the tap and splashed my face with some cool water. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were slightly red. Maybe I should take a break for a while. A walk in the garden would be relaxing or perhaps I could go see Tajima san. After our discussion over dinner the other day, I hadn’t spoken to him. I usually avoided him actually….eating meals by myself. Maybe I was being a bit rude….

“Mio dono!” I heard someone call me from the room and I walked out of the bathroom. I saw a boy about 10-12 years old sitting on one knee and with his head down. “Yeah?” I asked and he looked up. “Madara sama has returned. He wishes to see you.” He said and I blinked. She he was back? He’d been gone two days this time; I wonder how things went.

I smiled and nodded and went to put away the things I was using. I didn’t want anyone to accidentally step on the needle and get hurt if they came into my room. Well, ninjas wouldn’t get hurt even if they did step on it, it was more for myself.

“So, how old are you?” I asked the boy. “I am 13 years old.” “Wow, you’re really young! Did you fight in the war too?” He narrowed his eyes at me and I frowned in confusion. “I am not young. I should have joined the front lines last year itself. I would appreciate it if you do not insult me Mio dono.” He said and I held up my hands in defeat. “Relax relax! Wow, you’re just as hot headed as the others, aren’t you? Its not common from where I come from so I meant it as a compliment.” I smiled and he looked away.

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