Chapter 36 - War

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This chapter is dedicated to uchihasaradaa!

Happy reading!


Mi Ho pov:

I groaned, covering my head with the pillow as the happy warm sunlight shined through the window and piercing my eyes.

I was still so sleepy, I was almost instantly asleep. I groaned yet again not because of the sunlight but because of someone knocking my room door. It wasn't a hard knock but it still seemed like a hammer on my head today.

"Mio? Are you awake yet? Its almost noon...." Ryoshi's voice called from the other side. I had slept until noon? Really? I was the one who was usually the first one to wake up, even back at home and here so me sleeping till noon was hard to believe.

Wait a minute....Ryoshi?! What the?!

I sat up on the bed with a start and squealed as I lost balance and met the hard wood floor painfully. I curled up, holding my head. "Ow ow ow ow oww...."

When the throbbing subsided, I opened my eyes and sat up properly. I was still rubbing the bump on my head as I looked around my room. Hadn't I gone back to the past again? Seeing Madara, Hashirama and Tobirama as kids? Or was that all a dream?

No, there was no way that was a dream! I was there with Butsuma san in the Senju compound as a healer. I remember all the faces of the people I healed. In dreams we never saw the faces of people and even if we did, that would be the one thing about the dream that we wouldn't be able to remember. After all, they weren't people I had met more than once.

Then what had happened? I don't even know how long I had been missing this time. If time had passed at the same speed now and when I was in the past, then I would have been missing for a week.

"Mio?" Again I heard Ryoshi call me from the other side of the room. I took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and Ryoshi was watching me confused. "Are you alright? Its not usual for you to sleep in this much." I scratched the back of my neck confused myself. "W-well, I had trouble sleeping last night...." That was the best reason I could come up with.

"I must have been because of me telling you about the war yesterday. You did look pretty troubled when you left for a walk....and you came back pretty late too. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." "O-oh, no....its not your fault." He smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I've prepared lunch. I'm not as good as the ones that you prepare, but what I've cooked is edible. Why don't you wash up and then we'll eat." He joked and I gave a half hearted laugh before he left.

When he was gone, I closed the door behind me with a frown. Last night? He had told me about the war and Madara last night? What....what on earth was going on here?! This is really driving me insane!

I let out a breath in my irritation. That's right, I was tired and hungry and annoyed and I just couldn't think properly. After some food, I guess I could sit down and think things properly. I should probably sit down and list all the things that have happened to me on paper. Then I would have a list of things I could ask and yell at with Madara. All of this was his fault to begin with!!

Here I go again, blaming Madara for everything. I really have to find someone or something else to blame my misfortunes on.

Shaking my head, I headed into the shower to freshen up both my mood and mind. I took a quick shower though, not having the patience to stand under the running water for too long. I got into a loose white t-shirt with a black camisole underneath. The camisole was visible because of the translucent shirt material and the neck was so big that it fell off my shoulders slightly exposing the straps. I wore knee length blue jeans shorts and then headed down for some lunch.

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