Chapter 4 - The Senjus

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Mi Ho pov:

The walk to the other side of the building took a few minutes. The compound was pretty big and we reached a room that was all the way inside the main building we were walking through.  We stopped outside a door and Hashirama san knocked thrice. We heard a voice from inside giving us permission to enter and Hashirama san slid the door open and stepped in. He held the door open for me to enter as well and then closed the door after I was inside.

I saw a man who looked like the older version of Hashirama san. He was wearing a haori and he had a white band tied on his forehead. He had similar brown hair but it was shorter than Hashirama sans. He looked rather stern and I sat down next to Hashirama san and waited for someone to say something.

Hashirama san was the first to speak and he described everything that happened with me in his office to his father. Well, his father kept giving me skeptical and suspicious glances and more than getting intimidated, I was starting to get annoyed with it. But thankfully after about an hour, the conversations died down. Tobirama san had also returned and he was sitting on my other side. It felt weird, like I was being guarded but since I realized I was in quite an unstable ‘dimension’, I didn’t say anything about it.

Everyonewas rather edgy when Hashirama san mentioned that I could read people’s minds. They didn't seem to like the fact that their personal thoughts could be heard and well, I couldn't really blame them. After all, even I wouldn't like it if someone could hear my thoughts. Buthey, its not my fault. I mean, I didn’t know I could do that. I had never been able to read people’s minds before and I wasn’t Superman or Wonder Woman or some superhero to be able to do something that cool.....well, cool in the sense that it was a strange and unique ability.

But two people I had met here had said that I had heard their thoughts. And I had done it unconsciously. In fact, both times when that happened, I wasn’t looking at them and I guess you could say I was extremely aware of people being there. I was in a place I didn't know and with people I didn't know so I was pretty obvious for me to be cautious about my surroundings. That's what I had learnt from my parents and I had followed their advice till now. Somaybe what they said was true…..but it still seemed really irrational and I was finding it a little hard to believe.

“What is your real name?” Tobirama asked suddenly and the atmosphere seemed to suddenly get tense. “I already told you. My name is Mio.” I said and he narrowed his eyes at me. “You said we can call you Mio. So its not your real name, is it?” He said and I rolled my eyes. “Jeez, no need to be so stiff, you know? In my country, people have 3 names. A last name, middle name and first name. So my real name is Jung Mi Ho. In Japanese, people have only a last name and first name and since Mi Ho is similar to Mio, I thought of the adaptation.” I shrugged and they looked at me cautiously for a minute before relaxing.

I restrained from rolling my eyes. These guys were taking things too seriously weren’t they? Then again, I didn’t know anything about this dimension…..this ‘dimension’ considering the fact that I wasn’t dreaming. And they were talking about different clans and the problems it would cause if something caused an imbalance between them. So I guess they were just concerned for the well being of their clan. And in the end, I felt like I couldn't blame their behavior.

“Very well. You will stay in the Senju compound until further decisions, but you will be under watch 24/7 for safety reasons. Since we do not know about your abilities besides unconsciously being able to hear others thoughts, we cannot let people know details about you. We will try to figure out your abilities later on.” Butsuma san said and I nodded. “Ok…I guess.” His proposition seemed rational, but I could tell that they didn't trust me one bit. And I'm sure they didn't believe that I had heard people's thoughts unintentionally either. they thought I was hiding my special ‘power’.

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