Chapter 13 - Strange happenings

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"I'm actually kind of surprised that I wasn't given chores today." I commented as I helped Aimi prepare food for Madara. "Well, Madara sama and Izuna sama are very generous so they have given you a break."

I rolled my eyes. Aimi was so naive. She was the kind of person who believed that anything white was milk. She couldn't tell the difference between good or bad people. Well, its not that Madara is bad, but he wasn't a very nice person. And I don't really know why I didn't have any chores today. I had been free all day and I was so bored that I decided to help Aimi....even though she was preparing lunch for Madara.

The marriage between him and Aimi was really serious. Just as Tajima san had wanted, I had stayed away from Madara as much as possible and Aimi had to spend time with him as much as possible. I did occasionally run into him in the hallways, but he would pass by like I didn't even exist. And he always looked annoyed when I saw him. I was used to seeing him with a constant scowl ever since I first met him, but his expression now was more....intense. He was always irritated and he yelled at all of his clansmen more often now.

I guess he really didn't like the idea of getting married to Aimi. Well, maybe not Aimi in particular, but I guess he didn't like the thought of getting married itself.

Besides that, I cant deny that I did sort of miss annoying him. I had tried bugging Izuna but he was the type to brush it off and walk away leaving me standing dumbfound. He didn't get annoyed or irritated and so I had no one to actually talk to. Madara was usually the one to yell at me and then I would talk back and we would go to a full blown bicker until Izuna intervened and stopped us. But now since I had to keep my distance, the Uchiha compound was really boring.

"Man....I'm so bored today...." I mumbled. I was packing rice into a bowl which was a part of Madara's meal. I placed it on the tray which had an assortment of different foods and my stomach growled. The food looked really delicious but since I wasn't an Uchiha, I was restricted to having much simpler and probably a little lower quality food. I was kind of grouped with the lower class families of the know, the ones who didn't live in the main house.

Aimi giggled. "You're bored? Because you don't have chores?" "As strange as it sounds, I cant deny that. I mean, I'm worked like a donkey since the past two weeks and suddenly I have no work to do....that is something to get bored about." I sighed and placed a second bowl of rice on his tray. "But ni matter, I have another dance performance to do after lunch." I said and she perked up. "Oh! So you'll be doing something,similar to what we saw that day?"

I nodded. "Yeah I guess so. But for a different song. And the dance steps are different too." Aimi hummed out a response and soon we were done getting his food ready. She gave a bow and excused herself as she left to give him his food. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It was hard to believe, but somehow, I was hoping that I could give Madara his lunch. It had been so long since he actually noticed my existence here and well, his company had become so....natural, that I actually missed it.

Well, its not that he didn't notice me, its just that he pretended not to. He knew about my ability to hear thoughts and that it was sealed off because Izuna had told him when we had a private meeting. Even during that time, he had watched me with a glare and left with a scoff. That was a pretty rude reaction, but Madara is Madara. Cant do anything about his haughty personality now can we?

Besides that, the seal didn't hurt anymore. Just as Izuna had said, it burned for a few hours and the pain was gone when I woke up the next morning. Thankfully, having this seal didn't seem to lower my everyday energy level. Only thing is that I couldn't used my mind reading ability even if I tried to.

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