Chapter 40 - Staying

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Madara pov:

Mio and I married huh? It didn't sound like a bad idea at all.

I was surprised when she said that in front of Hashirama and Tobirama. She had dragged me half way across Konoha because she had to 'announce' something but I hadn't expected it to be this. In fact, I was quite surprised at how she had changed since yesterday.

I had been holding in my anger because of how she had been avoiding me ever since we had come to Konoha after the peace treaty. She was always around Tobirama and it made me furious. Tobirama, that man who had killed Izuna....I hated seeing Mio with him all the time. But last night when she herself had submitted to me, I could not hold back any longer.

Kissing me, wrapping her slender arms around my shoulders, seeing her exposed completely below me, her ragged breaths as she called out my name in the dead of the night.....I could not stop. I had marked her, every inch of her body as mine. She had said she loved me, she had said she wouldn't take her words back....her flushed face, her voice, her eyes that were dazed because of how I ravished literally drove me over the edge.

The only thing I had been slightly unhappy about before I lost myself to the night was that Mio had set the condition that I patch up my friendship with Hashirama.

What she had said wasn't completely wrong though. I didn't really hate Hashirama the way I always spoke about on the outside. I didn't like it that the Senju clan always seemed to have the upper hand in our battles. They always managed to be half a step ahead of us and in the end, Hashirama was able to bring me to my knees. I don't know what gave him so much strength, to be able to beat my clan. A clan the possessed the sharingan, a kekkei genkai unmatched by any other clan.

I was jealous too because he still had his younger brother to watch over. His younger brother had killed Izuna. It was their fault I ended up like this. If Izuna hadn't died....

I sighed. I was thinking about the past again. But I wasn't ready to let it go completely. Now I was sure Mio was going to stand by my side. All that was left was to send her to the future where I would be revived even stronger than I am now and take over the world. This wedding was just going to be a happy occasion before the Senju would begin to suffer for what they had done.

I twitched, frowning when I sensed Mio with Tobirama. I gritted my teeth. What is it that she had said yesterday, and what was she doing now?! I told her that she is not to hang around with that b******! I activated my sharingan, anger bubbling in my blood. People who were around me as I followed their chakras flinched and cowered back in fear.

I made it to a training field a few moments later to find Mio and Tobirama sitting on the grass facing each other. I clenched my fists tightly, feeling my nails pierce into the skin and draw blood. That wench! I knew I shouldn't have trusted her!

" and Madara huh?" Tobirama started. Mio smiled and looked at her hands. "Yeah....I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I've liked him even before Konoha was kind of started in the Uchiha compound." "Oh....then why didn't you tell us before?" Mio sighed this time, looking at Tobirama with a smile. "Its complicated to talk about. But I'm really sorry that you had to find out this way. You're a really good friend, but nothing more. I love Madara...."

I narrowed my eyes slightly. She wasn't the one chasing after Tobirama....he was chasing after her, huh? I smirked, amused and satisfied with her answer. I chuckled to myself. Who was I thinking about? Someone as hard headed and rebellious as Mio wouldn't just let me take her and then run behind another man. She was not that kind of person.

I shook my head and turned around to head back to the Uchiha compound. Honestly, I don't know what she saw so important about having to tell my old man, but seeing his reaction when I told him I had already made her my woman would be entertaining.

Gentle Turbulence - Uchiha Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now