Chapter 9 New people

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~ Luke's POV ~

"Your taking ages! Hurry up!" Kayla was looking for her phone to take to school. She always looses everything. She'd forget her head if it wasn't screwed on properly but I'm the same so I can't talk. "FOUND IT!" Finally! She rushed down the stairs and I shut the door behind us. "you nervous?" She nodded. Well I would be if I had to go back and face Chloe and her lot. Especially after what she's gone through. I still feel so sorry for her but that's not why I'm her friend. The last thing she needs right now is a false friend. I wish I could make things right for her, but I can't.

~ Kayla's POV ~

I walked into my class after speaking to the head and everyone stared at me. Here we go, another day of hell. I took my seat and got my books out but I couldn't concentrate it was just going in one ear and out the other. I couldn't help but worry, what if I was right and mum doesn't come back? "Your mum come back for you or has she given up on you?" Chloe snorted. Man, I had not missed her at all. "If it was me then I would have years ago, your a useless slut." Luke stood up. "just ignore them Kayla they're not worth your time." He patted back and sat back down. Now, it was my turn. "No, I'm not Luke I'm sorry but I have had enough! You guys treat me like dirt every single day I come here. Do you think I want to come to school? Well I don't but when you have a dream that you want to come true you have to work for it and that's exactly what I'm going to do. You can bring me down all you like Chloe but I'm a strong person and no body realises that! I can beat you guys because for once in my life I am not alone I have Luke and he isn't going anywhere." I didn't realise but tears were pouring down my face. When will this fear and endless crying go away? It's too much. I can't go on.

~ Luke's POV ~

'He isn't going anywhere' I felt like crying but I couldn't I had to be the strong one. I had to hold it all together and keep her going. If only she knew. There was so many things I had to tell but couldn't. Like the fact I might be leaving really soon and she will be left alone once again. Or the fact I have developed feelings for her. I felt the tears well up in my eyes but I blinked them back I couldn't understand how Kayla could have felt this way for so long and stayed so strong and not given up. She could have handed herself into care or phoned the police on her mum but she didn't she wants to do it the hard way and hope her life might be the same one day. I have never met her mum and even though she left Kayla I know she really loves her I just know it.

~ Kayla's POV ~

My next class was art so that wasn't too bad. I loved art and I dream of studying art at Harvard but there's no chance of that happening. I got my hopes up so high and now there's no point even thinking about it. My teacher was really sympathetic in art and let me draw what I wanted so I drew a picture of my brother but all that did was bring tears to my eyes but I blinked them back not wanting to cry in class.

As soon as the bell went I ran to the toilets and shut the door. I put my hands over my mouth and nose and silently cried. I had had enough. I was done. I couldn't go any further. I heard Luke outside the bathroom calling my name so I dried my eyes and went to get him. "have you been crying" he asked immediately seeing my bloodshot tear stained eyes. "no? Yes? Maybe? I don't know Luke I just cant cope anymore." he gave me a reassuring look and took me for lunch. "I don't eat anymore Luke, remember?" He bought me something anyway telling me I need to eat. I sat with Luke's friends for lunch although I barley ate anything. they are all really nice it turns out the guy I sat next to on the bus, Michael, is one of Luke's friends and there is also a guy called Calum. More and more people were coming into my life which made me think things were looking up and my life was getting better but when Luke was laughing and chatting with all his friends I felt more alone than ever.

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