Chapter 13 New me

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~ Luke's POV ~
That was harsh I felt sorry for Kayla nobody seemed to realise what little she really had. I try my hardest but sometimes it's not enough. It got to the point when things were so bad and she was crying so much she was scaring me so I picked her up and carried her home. I felt her tear stained face against my shoulder and the quiet sound of her sobbing. We reached her house and I put her straight into bed. She just lay there still crying. I walked over to the door ready to leave when I heard her call my name. "Luke, don't leave me please I don't want to be on my own another night please?" She sounded scared as if she wouldn't make it through the night alone. I couldn't. I can't get too attached to her I have feelings for her and I can't help it. I have to leave soon and she has no idea. But I couldn't leave her alone again, I had to put her before me. I had to stay I just had to. "ok I'll stay" I changed into a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and slipped into bed next to her and before I knew it she was fast asleep with her head resting on my shoulder.
She was so peaceful but she kept waking in the night. "Luke I thought you would have left by now" she whispered when she woke up around 2:30am. "No Kayla, I'm not going anywhere." my voice became unstable when I said the last bit. Why was I doing this to her? Making her happy and giving her all my time when soon I might not be here to do that. She will be left with nothing. Again.

I woke early the day and wrote a quick note for Kayla

~morning Kayla, I woke early and went back to mine to get changed for school. see ya at 8 to get the bus (:
Luke xx~

I stuck it on the pillow and left.

~ Kayla's POV ~
When I woke up Luke was gone but he left a note so I didn't panic. It was Monday so I jumped in the shower before school. When I got out I decided to go for a different look today. Instead I put on black skinny jeans and the school shirt, I did my hair in a waterfall braid (A/N - pic in description) and moved into my make up. I applied a bright red lip stick to make my lips stand out more and a thick eyeliner making my eyes look really big and bold along with a coat of black mascara. If I was strong on the inside I had to look strong on the outside so people knew who I really was. I didn't have to be afraid anymore. Luke has brought the real me out and now I know who I really am I have more self confidence like I have just met the real me for the first time.

I heard the doorbell ring and I slid down the banister to get it. Luke stood there holding all my bags while I locked the door. "hey I don't think so back inside for breakfast" He waved towards the door. "Luke I have barley eaten in 5 months I'm not gonna start with breakfast!" He laughed but stood his ground. "Back inside Kayla, I don't care how old you are your not leaving here on an empty stomach!" I folded my arms and pouted like a two year old but did as I was told. He made me pour myself a bowl of coco pops and pratically force fed me them. "Luke you don't understand I really can't eat anymore and we will be late for school." I groaned giving him a serious look but he laughed again. "come on Kayla you've had like two spoons?!" I giggled. "that's like two more than yesterday and the day before and the da-" He cut me off by putting his finger to my lips and laughed at me. "ok I get the idea!" I laughed back pushing his hand away. That was when I realised what it was like to have fun again. I smiled at the thought of everyday being like this.

On the walk to school I asked Luke a question that I had been thinking about for a long time. "Luke, Why did you choose me?" A look of confusion passed his face. "what do you mean?" I rolled my eyes when he said this but then he playfully shouted. "Don't roll your eyes at me missy!" I laughed. "you love me really Lukey!" He swallowed and looked nervous. I wonder why? "Yeah, whatever princess." He had given me such a cringy nickname it was unreal. I was nothing like a princess. "I'm not a princess Luke, they have to be kind and beautiful and perfect." He looked at me as if I was joking. "your not serious Kayla?" I nodded. "You are more than kind and extremely beautiful and your perfect to me" He grabbed my hands and kissed my forehead. This made me blush. I didn't feel this way around Luke and I didn't want any of us to get hurt.

When we arrived at school Luke left me for two minutes. TWO FUCKING MINUTES! During that time I was shoved in the floor and slapped many times by Chloe and her friends. Luke came over and yelled at them similar to the way he yelled at me. I didn't want to remember that though. While he was shouting at Chloe I ran off to the bathroom and cried silently again. Why did Luke never see anger wasn't the way to get out of things?

Later that day Chloe, Daisie, Millie, Luke and I were all called down to the office. We were told to explain what had happened earlier but before I had the chance Chloe stepped in. "It was Luke and Kayla they said we were idiots and said a bunch of other stuff and-" she looked disgusted she was cut off! "I think I've heard quite enough Chloe. Luke and Kayla you can pick up a detention slip and attend it after school. thank you"

I couldn't believe it! We were the ones in trouble!
As we walked out Luke muttered something under his breath but I didn't hear.

~ Luke's POV ~
And we're the ones that get in trouble! Great. "you can lie through your yellow teeth all you want Chloe but I won't stand for it!" I muttered this so only I could hear it.

Me and Kayla went to the after school detention but when we arrived Calum was there too. Straight away I knew things weren't going to end well. Kayla was having a rough day with Chloe giving her a load of shit but I had a plan for that.

As soon as Kayla walked in and saw Calum, her brother, she ran back out dropping her bag at the door. I stood up knowing to go after her. I picked up her bag and left the room muttering under my breath. "Well we won't be staying in detention then." I knew this was gonna land is in more trouble but I didn't care.

I found her lying on the beach playing with her hair and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry Luke." that was all she said and I knew now was the time to do something I had been needing to do for ages.

Hey guys sorry that not much happened it is just a filler. thanks for all the reads love u 💕

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