Chapter 40 The flight home

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So this might be another short chapter I don't really know 😂💕

~ Ashton's POV ~

We were waiting at the airport for our flight to be called only to be told it was delayed. I could tell Luke was feeling all tense and claustrophobic with all the crowds but that was something he was getting used to.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was Mia wondering what time we would be back. I told her we weren't even on the plane yet so I had no idea.

Once everyone had contacted home to tell them we were delayed Luke made a sudden dash for the bathroom. Calum ran after him knowing something was wrong. Me and Michael stood for a few minutes wondering weather to go in or not until Calum returned with a pale and sick looking Luke. Calum had said he didn't sleep last night he was panicking too much about Kayla.

I watched him as a tear fell down his cheek followed by another, then another. I put an arm around his shoulder as he cried harder. Holding him close I whispered in his ear. "It's ok Luke, it's ok to be upset but your overtired which isn't helping. When we get on the plane you should try and get some sleep and just remember we're always here so if you ever want to talk feel free to ask." I said patting his back while he nodded wiping the tears from his eyes. He's been so strong these past few months and I'm sure Kayla would be proud of him.

Our plane was finally called about an hour later so we quickly contacted our parents so they knew to be ready to come and pick us up at the other end.

We took our seats on the plane and Luke fell asleep as soon as his head hit the seat.

~ Luke's POV ~

I remember taking my seat and falling asleep the minute I sat down. I was so tired after the tour and everything on it that I physically couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I kept waking every time the plane hit high winds causing it to shake about. Michael was wetting himself each time but I wasn't awake enough to notice anything else. Every time I woke Ashton just told me to go back asleep and I did. Every single time without fail. I dreamt about Kayla and finally being able to hold her close again but every time I was woken it ended in the same way, with her not accepting me again.

I hated myself for what I did to her but I needed to make things right again.

Ashton shook me gently waking me from my nightmares, warning me we were about to get off the plane. I did as he said and gathered up my stuff and sat back down fastening my seatbelt ready to land.

We hit the ground with a rough thump but I barely noticed, I was lost in my own thoughts.

When we got off the plane I was greeted by my whole family giving me hugs and asking if I was ok. I nodded but I still felt weak from being sick back in London.

I saw Cal walk up to my mum and have a quiet chat so I assumed everything would be ok.

~ Calum's POV ~

"Hey Liz, can I talk to you?" I asked. I had managed to move away from my family to sort things out with Liz. "Yes of course." she replied. "I just wanted to say, you might wanna go easy with Luke. He has been panicking about Kayla the whole time and things got too much for him just before we left. He threw up quite a lot at the airport in London and he slept the whole way. He's not doing to great." I said slowly making sure she was understanding every bit. "ok thank you Calum, I'll make sure he is ok." She said before I was called by my mum.

We all said goodbye and left the airport smiling and chatting but deep down I couldn't stop thinking of Luke. I wished him the best and I just had to hope it was enough to get Kayla back.

~ Luke's POV ~

On the walk out to the car I was oblivious to any kind of real conversation. All I could think of was Kayla. As soon as I was in the car I fell back asleep and this time I didn't wake up the whole journey.

I can only remember going straight to bed and falling asleep once again before waking up the next morning to bright sunshine gleaming through the curtains.

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