Chapter 2 Why me?

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~ Kayla's POV ~
I took the first empty seat on the bus which was next to one of the really popular guys. Michael, I think his name is. I had no choice but to sit there cod there was no other seats.
"Hi I'm Michael" I paused my music and looked at him. no one ever speaks to me I am the loner with no friends.
"Hi I-i'm K-Kayla" Wow no wonder nobody spoke to me I'm a socially awkward teenager. he got off the bus and I followed. I did my usual thing of going to my locker, grabbing a bottle of water from the canteen and headed for my first class. I stood there on my own wishing I wasn't so lonely. Until Chloe and her lot came over. "Hey it's fat face!" They started walking towards me. "Has your mother decided to come see you yet, or is she with the child she cares about?" I told her my mum was looking after the child that NEEDS her most and she was home every night. It wasn't all a lie but sometimes I thought if I lie to Chloe so much about my mum coming home it might just happen. Even though I know that definitely won't happen.
It was just a normal day until lunch where the drama started.
"Are they giving you bother?" I froze the MOST popular boy just asked if they were giving me bother what should I do? "Luke it's ok you don't have to worry about me" I sighed ready to walk away when he put his arm on my shoulder. I felt myself tense up. "No they are giving you bother Kayla and that's not fair. Right girls you had better leave her alone. I have been watching you give her rubbish for weeks now and even if she stands for it I definitely don't. Idiots like you aren't welcome here so you can back off got it?" Jesus he had just stuck up for me! Most kids would take the hint when you get spoken to like that but not Chloe. "no I won't listen to you. Anyway why would you stick her for her?" She spat my name out as if it was dirt while giving me a 'horrible' look. "she is just a slut" she contiued. "yeah Luke why are you sticking up for me, I appreciate it and everything but it's not worth it" I was confused he do whatever he wanted but he chose to help me? "I am helping you Kayla cos I have been watching HER and all her crappy friends making your life hell for no reason and that's not fair! Oh and btw the only slut round here is you Chloe"
Finally someone had spoken to that bitch and by the look on her face she was disgusted. "thanks luke" I apologised when a thought went through my mind maybe this is the beginning of a normal life for me. "no problem Kayla, and if they give you any more shit then come right to me" and with that he walked off with some older friends of his. I picked up my stuff and tried to take in what happened.
The afternoon dragged on for what seemed like hours. but the bell finally went. I went to my locker and headed for the bus but stopped when I heard a tap on my shoulder. "hey you wanna walk home?" It was Luke. he wanted to walk home with me! "Sure I'd love to" I tried to answer calmly but I'm not too sure how that went down.
He grabbed my wrist and led me in the opposite direction, he looked at me as I winced in pain. he didn't say anything he just moved down and took my hand instead and we started walking. We both had no idea where we were going but it wasn't home. we ended up on the beach. When Luke saw the ice cream van he had a kiddy moment and started jumping up and down. He asked what flavour I wanted but I shook my head politely.
After he had bought his ice cream he asked why I didn't want one I said that I wasn't hungry. After that we walked home. On the walk home we just talked about everything and nothing and for a moment things were changing. But then Luke asked me what my family was like. I felt a big year slip down my cheek and ran off. He was calling after me yelling at me to back, asking what he had done and I didn't know what to do I thought my life was getting better and it all came tumbling down again. "Nothing Luke you've done nothing it's just, never mind I have to go" I ran home and shut the door behind me. It was so quiet and lonely here I hated it. I sat on the couch and burst into tears. I howled for at least an hour. I couldn't do it anymore. I just wanted a family to love me and that's all I have ever asked for. My dad left before I was born and I was never good enough for my mum. I didn't know what it was like to be part of a normal family. I cried and cried until there was a knock at the door...

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