Chapter 41 Their back

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So we're near the end! 😭 more to come tho! 💕 thank u for all the reads and votes!

~ Kayla's POV ~

I woke up to see the bright sun shining through my open window. I decided today was gonna be good. No school to start with as it's Saturday and my mums off work so we might go out or something. I went downstairs and saw my mum dressed in her work clothes, "sorry" she said, "I've been called in."
"It's ok" I said as she rushed out of the house. As soon as I heard the car leave the driveway I broke down in tears, crouched down hugging my knees to my chest and cried. She never had time for me anymore, maybe today won't be a good day. I wished Luke was sitting right beside me instead of being thousands of miles away from home, although at the same time I'm glad he's gone, he was horrible and a waste of time. I don't want him back.

After a while I decided to go out for a walk along the beach. I hadn't been in ages and I needed to get out the house so I put on my sandals and left only carrying my phone and some keys.

When I arrived at the beach I slowly took each step admiring the lovely families playing catch or paddling in the sea with all the young children. Maybe the beach wasn't the right place for me just now. So I took myself off towards the park and for once felt happy again.

I was shocked at what I saw in the park. I could have sworn Ashton was there with his brother and sister! But they're in London! I hid behind the tree anyway just to be sure but I was caught. "Busted" I heard Ashton say. I jumped but turned round when he gave me a huge hug swiping me off my feet. "um, hey!" I said a bit confused, "your back?" I asked. "yeah got back yesterday. You seen Luke yet?" He asked and suddenly my eyes filled with tears. "No, I h-have t-to g-go." I stuttered before walking away and the tears spilled. Their back! I can't believe their back!

I rushed home and locked the door, still water pouring down my face. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water before I threw up neatly down the sink. I don't even know what came across me. I felt sick knowing the boys were back, like I was scared they would hurt me. But I knew nothing could hurt more than what Luke did to me and I knew that it was hurting him too.

~ Luke's POV ~

I paced up and down the street anger filling up inside of me. I knocked on Kayla's house to have no answer. When I looked through the window the house was empty. In the time I had been away something had happened to her. What if she's been put into care? What if something bad has happened? I was angry at myself for not looking after her. She would be hurting but now, I hurt more. I took one of my pills to reduce the chances of having an anger attack and thankfully it worked I managed to get back home with no attack.

I got inside and collapsed on the carpet in tears. My mum sat down and I told her everything without being asked. I had well and truly lost her now. For good.

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