Chapter 26 Endless tears

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~ Kayla's POV ~

I lay there on the floor all day trying not to think of Luke but it was impossible, he was all I had and now he was gone.

I kept thinking to myself that I need to be strong, I've made it this far, why would I give up now.

I cleaned myself up and got changed out of my uniform. There was no way I was going to school today. No way. After I changed into a vest top and denim shorts I went downstairs to make myself a sandwich. I wasn't hungry but I needed to eat. When I got down stairs I saw a hoodie on the side. I didn't recognise it so I went over and saw it was Luke's I held it close to my chest able to smell his scent on it and collapsed on the sofa crying. When will these endless tears stop? I definitely wasn't hungry now. I felt sick again.

I lay there for hours crying. I felt like the old me. The me that thought I couldn't go on. The strong on the inside but weak on the outside me. I didn't miss that person at all but I knew that because I made it this far I could do it. I just had so much on my mind. My mum. Luke. Harvard. Everything.

~ Luke's POV ~

I got off the plane and straight away felt the cold British air hitting against my face. I knew this was a new beginning for all of us. I saw a girl walking over with dark brown hair. When she reached us she asked for our autograph! We were all so shocked. I took the pen and signed the EP she had of us. I was surprised people in the UK even knew about us. We had to release the EP to even get the chance to tour with 1D so it was a big step for us.

Just then my phone beeped. A small part of me wishes it would be Kayla but I knew it wasn't. Right now she would be sitting at home crying. I knew she would. She would be feeling broken and probably hating me. We got a taxi to the hotel we would be staying at for a months and each took our rooms. Our manager Adam asked who we wanted to share a room with and we yelled our usual arrangements.
"MICHAEL!" Ashton yelled.
"Calum" I said a lot more quietly. Everyone looked at me and I walked straight to my room and collapsed on the nearest bed. I cried and cried not wanting to be thousands of miles from home anymore.

~ Calum's POV ~

As soon as Luke ran off I got the signal from our manager Adam and followed. When I went into the room he was lying on the bad with his face in the pillow. I heard a muffled sound of him crying. I sat down next to him as he rolled over to look at me. I had never seen anyone like this before. His eyes were scary, bloodshot and tired looking. His face was pale like he was weak. His hair was all over the place. Normally he would panic and sort it straight away but not now. This wasn't Luke. Not the Luke I was used to. I wanted the old Luke back. I knew Kayla would want Luke back to. Everyone wanted him back. He just didn't realise it. "it's ok Luke" I said quietly. He wiped his eyes and sat up. "but its not" he said before the tears came back.

We sat there for a while just talking and I got the occasional laugh from him but it wasn't his laugh. Not the one I was used to.

"Luke, we all want you back. Not just me but everyone. We are four dudes from Sydney trying to achieve something in life. We have just moved thousands of miles from home for God knows how long! We need each other. We not just average teenagers anymore. We have a new lifestyle now, things are gonna get crazy. You wanna be part of that don't you?" I asked him. "Yeah" he nodded. "I do, I really do."

Just as he said that Adam called us. "Boys were going out for tea in 45 minutes be ready!"
"We will" I yelled through the door. I looked at Luke who had a slight smile on his face. "Go get in the shower, put something nice on." Though I knew it would be black skinny jeans. "and don't make a mess!" I laughed. "yes mum!" He replied. I smiled. Yes, we had the old Luke back, the one that always cracked jokes. He got up and went in the shower while I went to meet the boys.

~ Michaels POV ~

We had just ended the FaceTime with Beth and Mia when Calum came through the door. "he ok now?" I asked leaning across the bed to let him in the door. "yeah, even cracked a joke!" He said smiling. We all knew Luke was such a girl when it came to going out. He always took twice as long than needed. That's why we got called 45 minutes before we had to leave. The rest of us just changed our T-shirt or something when we had to go.

Calum joined in on Fifa and we played for half an hour till Luke came in with a clean shirt and newly quiffed hair.

"Hey guys." he said. That was when I knew we had Luke back. It was time he moved on. Kayla was holding him back just like he was holding her back. He had dreams, she had dreams and they are only achievable if you do it alone. At least that's what I think.

When the rest of us were ready we set off in search for somewhere to eat. We are late for everything so we were like 20 minutes late when we left the hotel. But this was London miles and miles and miles away from Sydney, there was no time schedule on days off. This was a new beginning. The next step in life.

So yeah it's short and not much happened but it was a filler and I just wanted you to see that the boys would be there for each other no matter what 😊 sorry if there was any mistakes but cba editing 😂 thanks again for all the reads and I don't know what's happened to the writing I apologise

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