Chapter 11 Determination

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Hey guys thanks for all the reads it means a lot to me I know the story isn't that great but bear with me I'm trying this should hopefully be a long chapter. yay💕😊 Oh yeah and u should go follow romanxo cos she is amazing and she has an awesome fanfic on the go! Love u romi! 💕💕

~ Kayla's POV ~
My mum continued to tell me when I was growing up that I would meet my dad when the time was right. And if now wasn't the time then when would be?

Luke came to my door that morning just like he did every morning but I told him I wasn't going to school. "You have to!" He had never shouted at me until then. I knew he wouldn't be happy when I told him my plan but I didn't think he would be this angry. "no Luke what I have to do is find my father! I can't go on like this hoping one day things will change but they won't! My mum is now ill in hospital and I just. can't. cope." Tears streamed down my face. I was scared and l I didn't know why. Maybe things were just too tough and now was the time to give up. No I couldn't I got this far and I knew it was far from the end. He bit his lip while trembling. "I'm sorry Kayla I didn't know about your mum was ill I didn't know you were looking for your dad I didn't know you wanted to find him. Can you forgive me?" He had done so much for me I couldn't let him down. Plus he looked good the way he styled his hair in a quiff and it was impressive that he was in a band, wait no Luke's my best friend I can't think of him in this way. "sure just tell the school I'm ill" I waved goodbye and caught a bus to the airport. I did some research and got some information from my mum and all I knew was my dad was Scottish and called David Hood. I got a plane ticket for the next flight to Scotland. Luke would shit himself if he knew what I was doing but what he doesn't know won't hurt him...

"Excuse me you have to wake up now." I opened my eyes to see a brown haired girl shaking me. "Oh sorry" I picked up my hand luggage and made my way off the plane. "I'm Mia. So what brings you to Edinburgh from Sydney?" I didn't know this girl but for some reason I trusted her. "Hi I'm Kayla I'm here hoping to find my dad I've somehow got myself into a situation where I am kinda alone!" She laughed and said she was here to study the city as a school project. We found out we'd be staying in the same hotel so with the help of each other we made our way over. Once we were checked in and had put all our stuff in our rooms we decided to head out for tea as we were both starving!

~ Luke's POV ~
Kayla somehow managed to persuade me to cover for her when she went to look for her dad two days ago but she hasn't been back since and I'm kinda worried about her. Every night I've wondered the streets of Sydney looking for her but she was no where to be seen. Last time this happened it was followed by terrible news, I was begging for it not to be like that again. Even the thought of her being alone scared me. But knowing in the future she WILL be alone absolute terrifies me. I haven't had the chance to tell her that things are starting off for the band and that I might be leaving...

~ Kayla's POV ~
Mia and I found an Italian restaurant and ordered pepperoni pizzas. They were delicious, the best i have ever had. We decided to head back to the hotel for a movie night in as we were both jet lagged from the long plane journey.
We watched a selection of movies and ate an unhealthy amount of popcorn but it was fun and that was something I had missed. I forgot what it was like to have fun and be around happy people. We fell asleep on the couch and slept till late the next morning. I got up and showered as I had a long day ahead. I was meeting up with some family had here in Scotland hoping to find out more about my real father. I have been told by many people I should hate my father because he left my mum with nothing when she was 6 months pregnant. But I cant. How can hate someone I don't even know? He probably had a good enough reason. I planed to meet up with family I didn't even know I had! And they told me some unexpected news and that my dad lived in Australia! The continent I had just come from. The continent that I just travelled half way across the bloody world to get away from. I really hated my life it was as if I couldn't do anything right.
I found an alleyway on my walk I went down it and cried. I didn't even have a reason anymore it was just...just life! I felt like couldn't go on. But I had to I had to come out of this strong and anyway I had Luke and he wasn't going anywhere.

I gave Mia one last hug before saying goodbye. I stayed in Edinburgh for a week and it was one of the best weeks of my life. I had visited relatives I didn't even knew had existed gathering more and more information about my father. But the day before I left I found out some devastating news he had a new family. He wasn't going to be just mine. I had to share him. That sounds incredibly selfish but I thought for once in my life something good would happen to me but as usual something happened and I had to make an unfair comprise once again. That didn't stop me I need him now more than ever. After all he was my father. My other half. My mum always said I looked like my dad and it was hard for her. Every time she looked at me she saw my father and and it broke her heart knowing I would grow up not knowing who I was meant to be.
~ skip flight ~
I got taxi to my house and fell straight into a deep sleep. Deciding my dad can wait till I have strength and energy.
I woke the next morning feeling really jet lagged but I got up anyway I had a long day ahead.
My plans all changed when Luke came to the door. He walked in barging right past me yelling. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE KAYLA? I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU I HAVENT HAD ANYONE TO TALK TO OR TO HANG OUT WITH!" I can't believe he just did that! Now it was my turn! "HOW DARE YOU LUKE I WAS LOOKING FOR MY FAMILY YOU SAY YOU DIDNT HAVE ANYONE TO TALK TO OR TO HANG OUT WITH BUT I HAVE BEEN ALONE FOR MONTHS AND I DIDNT COMPLAIN ONCE! YOU HAD TWO DAYS AND I HAD 5 FUCKING MONTHS! I made it this far and when I met you I knew you wouldn't leave and I would get through this" Once again tears were pouring down my face. I can't wait for that day when I am able to say I did it. I don't want to be able to say I did it alone because everything is better with friends and being alone is not something I want to be ever again. We were both screaming at each other crying with anger and worry. "where. were. you." he said this sternly demanding for an answer. the tears rolled down my face as I admitted to going to Scotland. I looked down ashamed of running off like that. "I can't believe you had the guts to do that. Disappear halfway across the fucking world and come back to me acting as if everything was ok? Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends." I sighed. I couldn't be angry with him. He meant the world to me I couldn't risk losing him. but on the other hand he has upset me and made it seem like my fault but I knew it was. "I thought we were friends too Luke and the only reason I didn't tell you is cos I knew you'd react a real friend wouldn't do that" I fell to my knees crying uncontrollably as if I could never stop. He walked out and left me alone. It was like I was human repellent every time someone came near me they would run off again. What was I doing wrong?

I got changed and went into the bathroom I locked the door and got out my blade. I haven't had to use this since I met Luke but now he was gone. I kept on cutting until the blood poured down my arms then I knew that was enough. I cleaned myself up, got into bed and cried myself to sleep. I never thought I would have to do this again but I was wrong. Just like always.

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