Chapter 14 An unexpected phonecall

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Hey guys remember go follow miaminick she is upset cos I'm the only one reading her fanfic chapters ur doing great Mia keep it up and don't u dare stop now love u lots like jelly tots 😘😘 haha she is awesome and Ashton would be proud of u haha 😘💕

~ Luke's POV ~
Now was the time.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small box. Inside that box was a small silver ring with a small diamond heart in the centre. "I have come this far with you Kayla and I won't leave now. I want you to have this." Why was I doing this? I had to leave I just had to.

When I opened it her eyes lit up and she started to cry. But
I knew they were tears of joy.
My hands were shaking while I was holding the box and I swallowed to get rid of the big lump in my throat. "this is a promise ring Kayla, I want to make you a promise so please hear me out." I cleared my throat and began. "I was on the verge of losing everything and so were you. I had been watching you get a load of shit from Chloe and her lot and I couldn't stand it anymore I had to do something. I don't know if you have realised but I always use anger to solve my problems. I don't like doing that but I can't help it. I have anger problems and I didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd be scared and run away from me. I am just trying to help." my voice was shaking and I had tears forming in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks. "I promise to hold your hand and never let go. We will get through this long journey together and one day we will reach the end still holding hands. I will stick by your side and never leave." Now I was making promises I knew I couldn't keep and I don't know why. The more I said now the more we were both going to suffer later. The words just kept coming out of my mouth and I couldn't stop them. It was like the more I said the more I believed it could be true. But it wasn't and I had to accept that.

~ Kayla's POV ~
I was trying to take in what had just happened and nodded while he placed the ring on my middle finger. It wasn't an engagement ring thank god but it was a promise ring and now I had that I knew it was true. But part of me didn't believe Luke would stay. He had cut me off earlier and I needed an answer to my question.

I gave him a big hug and clung on tight. I didn't want to let him go but I needed to ask my question once again. "Luke, I listened to what you had to say now it's my turn. Please I need an answer." He nodded so I took a deep breath and asked the question that had been on my mind for ages. "Why did you choose me?" My voice was all shaky and a tear fell down my cheek.
He opened his mouth but closed it again when no words came out.

~ Luke's POV ~
I knew she was going to ask this. But I hoped she wouldn't ask so soon. Could I really tell her the truth and show how weak I really was? She had opened up to me so I had to do the same. "please" she whispered tears falling down her face, faster and faster. "I need to know Luke! I love the fact that your here for me but why me?" It hurt me knowing she was this upset about the situation. So I told her. "I, I n-needed you" I sighed and let the tears fall. Crying felt like the only way to express my thoughts. "I was weak, about to loose everything. I needed someone to keep me going and I knew you felt the same. I knew that there was more going on in your life than bullying and I had to do something about. I have anger problems and whenever something good happened to me I would ruin it with my stupid behaviour. I am not always in control of how I act. I was weak and needed something to keep me going. I'm sorry." She stared at me and I was ready for all the shouting and complaining about how she thought I was using her when I wasn't but I had had before from many other people. I was shocked with what she did next. She reached out and hugged me tight. She kissed my nose and said "Well Luke I couldn't have asked for a better explanation. I want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. I promise." I wrapped my arms around her not wanting to let go. When the time was right I apologised, but she said there was nothing to apologise for. Not yet. But soon, nothing would be enough to say sorry for what I was going to do to her. I hated myself for it. I don't know how I will be able to live with myself in a few weeks time.

We were sitting cross legged on the island in Kayla's kitchen looking through magazines. Her one full of make up shit and mine full of awesome guitars. We had sat there for hours glancing at each other every now and then and bursting into fits of laughter over nothing. Kayla was really fun and I didn't understand what Chloe didn't like about her. Maybe she was just jealous. But not to be mean how could you be jealous of Kayla her life wasn't exactly perfect. But she was. I falling for her. I was falling fast. "Hey you wanna invite some friends round and order a pizza or something" The way she broke the silence stunned me. She had no friends, only me?
"Yeah sure but I'll need to invite Calum as well I can't leave him out he is my cake bro?" She giggled. "go ahead, I don't hate him you know I want to get to know him. The other day, I was just upset. Not angry." I could see she was going to cry again but at the same time relief flooded through me. "thats good. Why were you upset? I mean a lot has happened was there anything in particular?" She nodded and a tear fell down her cheek. "its-its been a month" she closed her eyes but the tears continued to fall. "a-a month s-since my brother passed away" She took a big breath and let it all out. "A month since he died, that's six months since he was born, that's 26 weeks, that's 128 days. All that time I could have been teaching him to crawl and discover new things. The minute I found out I was going to be a big sister I dreamed of giving him the childhood I wished for." She kept crying for ages. I then figured out what to say "he is still your little brother Kayla no matter where he is, ok?" She nodded and cried into my shoulder. I hugged her tight and didn't want to let go.
"Maybe we should leave the social night for some other time. she nodded and laughed getting snot all over my top. "ahh you freak you dirty freak!" I nearly wet myself laughing. I turned and saw her pissing herself too. She jumped down and chased me around the house laughing so hard she thought was going to pee. I hid behind a door and she walked right past yelling my name. I was silently laughing not wanting her to know I was behind her with a bucket a freezing water in my hands. "BOO" I yelled while soaking her in icy water. I ran away before she could react and slap me it something. I was running up the stairs when she stopped shrieking and screamed at me. "I FUCKING HATE YOU LUKE. YOUR AN ABSOLUTE BASTARD" The water was dripping from her hair and she was trying to act serious but failing terribly. She laughed and said she was going for a shower. "ok princess, talk to you later I had better go now, bye" She groaned at the nickname I kept giving her but it was funny.

When I got outside I punched the wall causing my knuckles to bleed. I was angry at myself for not being as strong as Kayla is when my life was that bad. I reached into my pocket and took one of my pills to relax me and stop my anger.

~ Kayla's POV ~
I jumped in the shower relaxing as the hot water ran down my back. I washed my hair and body and stepped out wrapping the big warm towel around me.

I got changed into an old hyper top and a pair of black leggings. It was raining outside so I wanted to stay warm. I tied my hair back in a messy bun and went downstairs only to be faced with an unexpected phone call.

Ring ring, ring ring
I picked up the phone and had a conversation with the receptionist at the hospital. She my mother had discharged herself from hospital. I was a bit annoyed with them as I hadn't been told anything about my mum, I wasn't told she had woken from the coma or anything. I wasn't happy with my mum for leaving me with nothing but I still loved her didn't i? I was told to expect her home but I knew she wouldn't be back.

Right then I started to feel alone again and couldn't help but cry. I sat staring out of the window watching the rain fall and the thunder growl while the lightening lit up the dark sky. I hugged my knees up against my chest and cried for hours. I just wanted my mum back. I don't want to be alone anymore.
Finally, I cleaned myself up and phoned Luke.

~ Luke's POV ~
I say there staring at the tv but I wasn't focused on the programme I was thinking about what would happen to Kayla in a few weeks time...

I was left dreaming until I got an unexpected phone call from Kayla. On the other end of the phone Kayla was crying asking if u could go round to her house.

Thanks again guys for all the reads and let me know why u think Luke is worrying about Kayla being alone 💕💕

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