Chapter 32 The big moment

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~ Luke's POV ~

It has been 2 months and haven't heard anything from Kayla. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of her. She was my everything and I let her go. I have noticed that everyday I realise more and more that I love her. She is the girl of my dreams only I met her and then said goodbye. I would do anything just to hear her speak to me again. I don't know if I will ever see her again let alone speak to her.

Today was the big day. We are going to the O2 arena where we will meet One Direction and perform to them to see if we can go on tour with them. We were told a girl our age will be coming to get our instruments and set us up on stage.
Now I felt sick. It was all becoming real, too real.

"Hi I'm Chloe" My life just flashed before my eyes! Chloe, that is the name of Kayla's bully. Please don't be her, please! I turned round and saw a dark haired girl, the same girl that asked us to sign her EP, and was relieved when I saw it wasn't Chloe from back home in Sydney. "hi" we all said together. When I looked at Chloe her eyes locked with mine. They were brown, not like mine but also not like Kayla's. It was like the whole world around stopped it was our moment. A good moment.

"Well, um, we, uh better go, I'll take you to the stage to meet the boys." She said blushing. We all nodded and followed her.

When we went into the arena it was huge. I mean I knew it would be big but not this big. We all tried to take in the size of the room but we were called on stage. I walked up and stood in front of my microphone, gripping my guitar in shaking hands. This was the big moment. This moment depends on our future. The One Direction boys walked in and took a seat, suddenly I felt even more nervous than before. The biggest boy band were sitting right in front of me and they were expecting a pretty good show.

"Even when the sky is falling down, even when the earth is crumbling around my feet" I sang.
"Even when we try to say goodbye, you could cut the tension with an knife in here." Calum joined in.

Once we reached the chorus, it all felt right. I realised then I wanted this more than anything. Even maybe Kayla. We sang the whole song and when we were done I looked up to see five opened mouth faces staring back. "omg that was amazing!" Liam said. It took me a minute to understand the British accent but I got it. "Yeah I don't think there is any discussion guys you're coming on tour" Niall said in yet another accent and we all gave each other high fives and said thank you to the boys.

Today was one of the best days of my life.

Yay their going on tour! Just wanna say this is like chapter 32 and I'm nowhere near done and there is a sequel so it's gonna be long x

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