16. Happy Girl. Tolerating Mother.

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Heather Chandler
We walk into my house and everyone looks at us for a moment. They go back to talking and Veronica looks at me and laughs. Between my family and my parents work mates, there's about 115 people here. Veronica just looks amazed. She's adorable. I love her so much.

"ROBERT? ITS BEEN SO LONG! HOW ARE YOU- Dianne? You look amazing! I'm so glad you guys came!" I hear my slightly buzzed dad greet my girlfriends parents.

About an hour in, several people have asked who this wonderful girl is next to me. And every time she's introduced herself. Every time, I've been asked "so she's a friend?" And every time, I have corrected them.

She's my girlfriend.

When the 18th person comes up to me, I was hoping for a normal conversation. But no.

"So who's this beautiful girl?"

"My names Veronica-" she introduces herself. While she's doing so, I spot her mother and father. Her mother is talking to my mom. I lock eyes with both of them and grab Veronica's hand and smirk. They both roll their eyes. It pushes me over the top. I know Veronica misses her mom. And I know my mom doesn't fully support me too.

Hold that thought. I say as I grab her hand and pull her up to the balcony loft.

Yo! Up here! I shout as everyone looks to us.

Raise your hand if you were going to ask me who this is. I shout and see that everyone but those who know raised their hands.

Well don't. This is Veronica. And before you ask..... I pause. I quickly grab her and kiss her. Once I pull away, I put my arm around her as she smiles and blushes.

No! She's not my friend. She's my girlfriend. And YES I know she's beautiful! Actually...She's not beautiful.

Dianne Sawyer
"Actually...she's not beautiful...." the girl dressed in red grabs my daughters hand and raises it up. I'm slightly disgusted. I'm confused as to why she would tell everyone that MY daughter wasn't beautiful IN FRONT of my daughter. No...in front of her mother. But then she looks back to everyone.

"She's perfect. Perfect IS possible. Because perfect is Veronica Sawyer." She smiles a little. I hear a few people scoff which satisfies me to know I wasn't the only one raised right.

"Things HAVENT been going well for this kind soul. She isn't living at home. She's losing the house she grew up in...and she's stuck with me but I'm sure she'll get over that one." She looks to Veronica again and then takes both of her hands in each of hers.

"So Veronica...i know it's not all my fault...but I'm sorry. I love you and things will always turn out ok in the end." She kisses her again and I'm not as disgusted.

"Actually...before we go back to talking...I'd like to apologize to somebody else. Dianne. Robert too. In highschool I was a total dick. I was wrong for that. Now, I'm facing the consequences. I'm no where near as successful as you guys are. Not to mention, you have raised an incredibly beautiful and smart daughter." Jim explains.

I look to my left and notice that Robert has gone up the stairs and now has his arm around Heather and Veronica. He motions for me tk come up but I roll my eyes at him.

"Mr. Sawyer...I owe you an apology too. Because of me, I've raised some havoc between your family. So I'm sorry" the red clad girl smiles as he hugs her.

"Heather, you and your parents have grown. So much so, that the negative memories I used to have of your father in highschool, hardly come back to me. I'm sorry that things are so difficult for homosexual youth." What the fuck. My own husband is taking the side of those two sinners.

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