1. Let's Make Her Beautiful

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Dear diary...it's September 1st 1988...and I'm falling for the demon queen of highschool....here's how that started.

Veronica Sawyer
I frantically write out a pass stating that we were allowed to be out after class started.

"I don't see a hall pass. Detention." Miss Fleming scoffs
"What? No way!" Heather McNamara whines
"My parents pay your shit salary" The queen says.
Actually! We have a hall pass. All four of us are out on one. Yearbook. I say. She snatched the note from my hand and sighs.

"Alright. But hurry up and get where you're supposed to be" she says as she hands the note back to the girl. I pick up my bag and as I'm walking out I feel a hand grab my shoulder. She spins me around and right in front of me is a tall hot jaw dropping Heather Chandler...smirking...my heart melts...

Heather Chandler
Who are you? This is a great forgery! I say roughly. Her eyes meet mine and they pierce through my soul. Woah! I think to myself. NO Heather, you are NOT going to show that you're flustered. Not over some greasy nobody. You are the queen bitch of this school.

"Uh I'm Veronica....Sawyer....I crave a Boone"

Hahaha...what Boone? I ask.

"Let me sit with you guys at lunch. Just for one day. No talking necessary. If people think you guys tolerate me they'll leave me alone. Kurt. Ram. All of them."

Duke and McNamara are laughing now. So I shoot a look back to them causing complete silence. I grab her face and squish it a little.

"Ahahaha she looks like a fish" Mac says
"So immature" duke chimes in and playfully pushes Mac.
Shit shes hot.
You've got good bone structure....heather give me my makeup bag. Heather, let Veronica borrow your brush. We are going to make her Beautiful. I say smirking at Veronica who's now smiling.

Don't move. I order her to stay still. Heather, lip gloss. I say as she hands it to me and I apply it to Veronica's lips.

What class do you have?
"I have world history" she says
Isn't that a sophomore class? You're a junior. I say as I continue fixing her makeup.
"Yeah. I took it last year. But I'm taking it again. I like history." She says.
GREAT! That means you know the course. So you can skip. I exclaim as I turn her towards the mirror.
"What? Why am I skipping? And woah I look great."
We're going shopping. And I want to get to know the newest addition to the most powerful clique in school.
"WHAT?! I mean. Yeah ok." She got really excited but tried to play it off cool.
"We're going to class. Mr Smith said if we are late again he'll fail us."  Mac says with worry in her voice.
Yeah have fun with that. I'm gonna add a few finishing touches and were going shopping. Well Be back by 6th block.

Veronica Sawyer
As Heather is finishing up she freezes. She's just there. Staring into my eyes.
Uhhh Heather?
"Huh? Oh. Sorry. Let's motor."

I follow her as we sneak past a few teachers and cameras. We get outside and I WASNT expecting to find that Heather Chandler drives a nice ass Porsche...bright red.

We get in and she doesn't even buckle her seat belt before speeding off.

Holy shit
Holy shit
Holy shit.
SHIT we're gonna die

"Oh, Sawyer! You'll be fine! We're here!" She says.
I open my eyes and were at the mall. It's surprisingly empty.

We walk into a small shop that has blazers on every shelf. this must be where she shops.

"You'll have to choose a color that isn't red yellow or green."

Ummm uhhhh I don't know. I stutter.

"Just wait here" she says as she runs to the back of the store.

When she comes back she hands me a navy blue blazer, white polo shirt and a grey skirt.

"Here try this on"

I put it on and I button the blazer. It's a bit tight around my tits but hey...it'll make people leave me alone.

"Come on, Sawyer! Let's see"

I open the door and her eyes widen. I see her eyes flick down and then right back up...

"Suits you well! Blue is your color!" She says with a neutral tone.

Heather drags me around and we find a photobooth. She pulls me in and we stand there.
Heather what are we doing? I ask.
"Welcoming you to the clique!" She says. I look to her and smile a little
Am I seriously with the heathers now? I ask in disbelief and Heather looks to me....
I mean...people are terrified of you...you guys have never let anyone in...why me...I ask
"Because, Sawyer...."
Because what...
I feel like she's getting closer to me and I don't move away...I just stand still...just then, she pulls herself away from me. she looks at her swatch and sighs.
"Well we should uh get back to the school"
Yeah probably...

We get into her Porsche and I buckle in. She starts the car and revs her engine.
You wanna buckle this time?
"Nah I'm good"
Something inside of me is worried about her so I open the door. She can't drive with the door open. Duh.

Heather Chandler
Sawyer...close the door...your gonna miss your world history. I chuckle.
"I'm not gonna do it until you buckle in. Westerburg can't risk losing its queen bee" she demands.
Oh my god calm down! I'll buckle in MOM! I tease her. She smiles and closes the door. She watches as I shift the gear and then she clears her throat.

Oh my god. Fine. I groan and buckle it. I've never touched this seat belt. I'll be honest.
I think this is the first time I've ever touched this seatbelt. I laugh and click it into the port.
"How lovely. And unsafe." Veronica sighs.
Dear god. I'm falling for her. I'm falling for Veronica Sawyer.

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