38. Heathers Back In Action

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September 1st 1997
Heather Chandler
My alarm goes off and I turn it off after a groan.

"Good morning" Veronica sighs and then gets up.

Shit! Look at the time! I fly out of the bed and get dressed as quickly as possible.

"Wait wait! Birthday kiss!" She begs.

Good lord. Fine. I kiss her then smile. I kiss her again. And again. Until heather walks in.

"Ugh gross."

Hey did you know I'm in love with your mom? I tease her.

"Still gross" she chuckles. I'm pleased with the outcome of course.

Jesus. I'm 27...I feel old already. I sigh.

"Hey mom? I'm gonna miss the bus if you don't hurry up." Connor calls from downstairs.

Well be down in a minute. I yell down in response.

"Freshman....remember that?" Veronica asks.

Yes. I remember that but I remember meeting you and that's all I care to remember. I smirk.

"BUS" Connor yells.

I already called your uncle JD. You don't want to take the bus trust me! I say. About 3 years ago we signed JD as a second guardian in case anything happens to us. JD just happens to have that same bike. So I asked him to take Connor and Heather so they didn't seem lame on the first day by taking the bus. I quickly get dressed and then get ready to go.

"WAIT! PICTURES!" Veronica comes down with a camera.

"Heather how do you work this thing." She asks.

Babe it's my first day on the job, and I'm already late. Give it here. I chuckle and quickly snap a picture of Connor and heather next to each other.

"So do I get paid for doing this?"  JD sneaks up behind them.

"JD!!!" Heather immediately hugs him. She's always loved him.

Let's get a move on! I playfully push everybody out the door before running back and kissing Veronica.

"Knock em dead. Well work on this weeks editorial tonight!" She kisses me again.

Sounds good! I quickly walk out of the door.

Veronica Sawyer
I receive a call at 1:45 and I'm told to come to the school. They didn't tell me what for but I'm sure it's either Heather or Connor. I get in my car and drive to the school.

Connor Sawyer
I got a ride from my uncle on a motorcycle today. It was really cool at first because a bunch of girls were crowding around me. Some cute guys told me I was cool too!
"Who is that" one kid whispers.
"My mom tells me to stay away from you and your parents..." another says.
Why? I ask.
"Because your mom is a dyke!" An older boy calls from behind me making 3 other boys laugh. I try to walk away but he keeps pushing and pushing.
"Come on. Don't you agree? Unless you're one of them?" He pushes me as I'm walking away from him.

Shut up Alan. I say as I walk into the doors expecting him to leave me alone once we're under supervision but it doesn't stop. He gets tired of me ignoring him so he grabs my by the collar of my shirt and pins me against a locker.

"Say it stupid shitfag. Say you like to suck big Dicks! SAY IT!" He orders me.

OKAY! You like to suck big dicks! I shout causing a roar of laughter from the crowd that had gathered around us.

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