13. I Don't Know How

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Veronica Sawyer
Heather is carrying me to the bedroom and our lips have not yet left each others faces.

She falls with me on the bed and she lets her hands rub from my legs up to my chest.

"THIS is why I could NEVER sleep with another person." She giggles. I turn her over so that she's on her back and I kiss down her neck. She giggles a little and then when I reach her collarbone, she lets out a soft moan.

Ha! Found the weak spot! I tease. She flips me on my back and leaves a hickey on my neck before gently shoving her knee between my legs.

F-fuck! I let a little moan escape my lips.

"Ha! Found the weak spot!" She mocks me.

Shut up, heather! I tease.

"How about you make me" she smirks.

I immediately flip her over and pin her down by the wrists.

"Fuck. Aggressive. I like it. Kiss me, Sawyer" She says between breaths. So I do. I kiss her lips and then move down her. She sits up so that I can take her blazer off. I quickly unbutton her shirt and my eyes widen at what's in front of me.

W-wow. I stutter.

"I know! Right?" She smirks. "It's all yours"

You swear there's nobody else? I ask.

She pulls herself closer to my ear and whispers,
"Would I do this if there was anybody else" she says as she unclasps her bra letting it fall to the floor. I can feel my face get red.

I immediately crash my lips into hers. My hands roam her body. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing something. So I kiss her and then stop.

"Why'd you stop?" She asks.

If I'm being honest, I don't know what I'm doing. I've never done this before...I admit. I'm slightly embarrassed.

"No worries. I'll show you what to do she smirks.

God her little smirks are enough to push me over the top. I kiss her again and this time I move my hand down by her stomach. She reaches for my hand and pulls it down to her skirt. I slide my hand under her skirt and rub over her clit.

"Fuck, Sawyer" she sighs in pleasure.

I rub faster causing her to grind with it. She moans my name and I lose it.

"Mmm Veronica! Fuck me, Ronnie" she moans.

Anything for you. I smirk.

I put 2 fingers inside of her and she grips the back of my shirt. "Fuck yes!" She moans in my ear. She's going to kill me with that one day. I think to myself.

She begs me for more and I give it to her. She clings to me as I thrust my fingers in and out of the blonde girl. She grabs my hair and pulls it. The harder she pulls it the faster I go. She's practically screaming at this point. I take my fingers out and replace them with my tongue. She wraps her legs around my body as my tongue does it's job and I am pleased with the response.

Heather Chandler
I wake up the next morning completely naked. I don't mind it. Veronica's arms are around me and my head is buried in her chest. Speaking of my head....it's killing me.

"Goodmorning." I hear my wonderful girlfriend call. Her hands rub my sides.

Mmm goodmorning. I groan.

"How's your hea- oh my god"

What? What is it?

"Your face is bruised. Badly." She says placing he hand gently on my face shooting a sharp pain through the left side.

Oh shit! I say.

"SORRY!" She quickly pulls her hand away and looks down.

No no no it's okay! You didn't do it. Can you get me some pain meds? I groan.

"Yeah sure. I'll be right back. Wait...where are they?"

First cabinet in the kitchen second shelf.

I wait for her to come back. I try to get up by I get light headed so I sit down.

"Are you okay?"

Well, Sawyer, I got my shit kicked but I'll be ok.

"You should stay home. I can bring you the homework for smiths class" she says turning to grab her bag. I grab her and pull her back into the bed.

Veronica's POV
Heather pulls me back down.

"I have a better idea! Stay with me and well get Duke or Mac to bring us our work" she smiles.

I don't know heather.

"You know everything. Missing one or two days a week isn't going to ruin your Harvard abilities. Senior year will be different."

Fine. I'll miss today. But only because I'm tired and I don't feel like getting fully dressed again. Heather would kill me if I wore sweatpants. I say climbing into bed with her. I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Babe, i love you but I'd kill you too."

I'll kill you first. I mumble without thinking. My eyes shoot back open.

"Close your eyes babe. Go to sleep."

School. I mumble.


And I fall asleep. But it's not good.

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