40. The End

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Dear diary, it's December 11th 2010. Connor has completed his requirement of four years. He is back home and helps out at the paper. My Heather has won several awards for her photography. We even got to go to New York and see her art in an institute. We got out of Sherwood for a while but quickly returned when we realized everything was too fast paced for a couple of 30 year olds.

Heather still has her gang of heathers and we have ours. Things turned out really well. I have written several children's books and one even won best author.

The thought of my life being any other way simply does not exist. I love my family and they love me.

We went to my dads burial sight today. It was hard but I know he'd be proud of me.

On the topic of parents, Heather got married and had 2 beautiful little boys. Connor came out and has been dating a boy for about 4 years now. And I am on good terms with my mother. A couple years ago, We saw through all the negative things we said and did in the past. The kids love her. So did the grandkids...unfortunately she too passed away just last year. It's wrong to say it wasn't as sad as my fathers passing...but it wasn't as sad as my fathers passing.

Anyways, I'm sorry for not writing as much as I used to. Life has been really good. I haven't had much time. Maybe I'll get around to this more often but for now, heather is standing over my shoulder. That's my cue to get off of the chair and go cuddle with her. She gets so needy sometimes. But I love it.

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