21. Dinner With Rewards

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**also this chapter is a little longer than most**

Veronica Sawyer
We've been here for about an hour and the only conversation that's been made was about the weather...4 times. And then, my mother finally opens her mouth.

"So. Heather. What is it that you plan to do when you are out of high school?" She asks.

"Photojournalism" Heather replies with a smile.

"Veronica is going to study law. She's going to carry out our family law business!" My mother says.

I'm really into writing. I always have been. I was thinking about majoring in journalism. I correct her.

"And how do you expect that to turn out income wise? Assuming You'll have a husband and kids to support?"

I'm going to start applying for after school jobs when I turn 17 in a few days. I reply.

"But being a lawyer can make you rich And I'm sure any man would be very fascinated in a girl who runs a family business-" she begins to lecture me but gets cut off.

"We will worry about that a little later. we have the rest of junior year and all of senior year to figure it out" She smiles sweetly. She used the word "we" as in me and her. I'm sure my mother is pissed.

It'll be ok, mom. Besides, You're only a teenager once. I say as calm as possible. I don't know how much I can take though. I look over and see Heather is slightly biting her lip. I can't help it. I slowly place my hand on her thigh under the table. She looks at me with a look that says "what the fuck are you doing?" And I mouth the words "bathroom. Now".

"Mrs. Sawyer, where is your bathroom?" She asks.

I can show her. I take her hand and pull her to the bathroom.

I quickly close and lock the door before roughly pressing my lips to hers. This only lasts a few seconds before she pulls away.

"Babe, not here. Just wait an hour."

But I can't take another hour of her "respectfully" disrespecting us. It's so fucking annoying. You know, Everytime I look at you for a little too long she nudges my leg under the table, right? She cuts me off with another kiss. I try to deepen it but instead she pulls away.

"Last another 15 minutes and then we can go. If you do this I'll buy you slushees for a whole month." She bribed me. "And if that isn't enough encouragement, just remember our deal." She whispers.

We go and sit back down. About 3 minutes in, my mother once again kicks my shin under the table. I can't take it. I was trying to be nice but I'm done playing nice.

Hey, heather? Have I told you how good you look tonight? I say just to spite my mother.

Heather Chandler
"Have I told you how good you look tonight?" She says with her chin resting in her hand as if she were admiring me. I nearly choke on the vodka I poured into my water bottle.

No. I don't believe so. I say trying not to get too flustered.

"Well you are looking hot tonight!" She says placing a kiss on my cheek.

Thank you. Well, the food was wonderful, Mrs. Sawyer. I think we should head out. We have an test on Monday and I really have to study. I say as sweetly as possible.

"Fine. Goodbye Veronica. Remember, next Friday. I'd like to see your living situation." Her mom starts


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