5. We Can Start and Finish Wars

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Veronica Sawyer
"You can do forgery...what if we fake ram and kurts suicide and make it look like a homosexual pact?" JD says to me.

That-that's not a horrible idea. I sniffle.

He pulls out two guns.

Holy shit! Are those real? What are you doing? I ask fearfully backing away.

"Yes but were using ichluge bullets."


"My grandad scored a shit ton back in world war 2. We'll use them to knock ram and Kurt out long enough to make it look like a suicide pact...complete with a suicide note" JD says.

I hand him what I've written and he huffs.

"This is great"

Where's your telephone? I ask

He points.

I pick it up and call ram

He answers.


Hi! It's Veronica

"Uh...hi Veronica"

Meet me at the cemetery at dawn...

"Me or ram"


I hang up the phone.

Time passes
Kurt and ram are now shirtless in front of me...

"What about you?"

Well I was hoping you could rip my clothes off of me...sport...

"We can do that"

Count of three.



"THREE" JD shouts as he shoots ram.

I miss Kurt but JD chases him until he's stuck on a fence.



"You know what they say...we're the asteroid that's overdue"

"I'm so scared"

He shoots kurt.

What the FUCK have you done.

There's a rustling in the woods so we run.

He takes me home and I go right to my room and go to sleep. I fell awful...but I can't go to jail...I'm too good for that...he lied to me...he said it would only knock them out. 

A few hours into my dream, I'm woken up by a tapping sound on my window. I turn over to my clock that reads 2:37am and then I see Heather Chandler outside my window...her makeup streaming down her face in the rain.

I rush over and open it. Even though she's probably just going to mess with my feelings, I let her in. It's cold and rainy and I can't stand the thought of her getting sick or hurt because I wouldn't let her in.

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