6. Veronica's Speech

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Veronica Sawyer
Here I am....walking into school with Heather Chandler ON TIME. everyone is buzzing with this news.

"Did you hear that the linebacker was linebacking the quarterback?"

"I heard they shot each other in the cemetery"

"These people suck" Heather whispers to me.

Trust me. I know.

We walk down the hall and suddenly I'm pulled into the bathroom with Heather...

Ow! Heather! What the hell is your damage? I ask.

She checks each stall before coming back to me.

Hello? Can you answer me? Why the hell did you do Tha-I'm cut off by her lips crashing into mine. I know I shouldn't engage in this situation but I do. I kiss back.

Just then, Miss Fleming walks in.

"Ah. Just the girl I was looking for."

We jump apart as fast as possible.

Me or Heather?

"Sawyer, are you dumb? Why would hippie want me?" She says aggressively.

"Watch it Heather...I won't hesitate to give you a detention even though your boyfriend is dead."

Boyfriend? My heart drops at the word.

"I may or may not have been on and off with ram. He's NOT my boyfriend anymore considering he's dead and gay" she says.

"Veronica, can you give a speech at the memorial tomorrow? since you've known Kurt and ram since 1st grade?" She asks.

I uh- uhm I don't know I mean-

"She'll do it" Heather says.

Heather what the shit?

"What? You aced public speaking! You'll do great! Little miss perfect"

"AWESOME! It's tomorrow at 10:30 in the gym." Miss Fleming says and then walks out.

Heather comes back up to me and just stares at me.


What Heather?

"Nothing" She says. as she goes to turn away, I pull her back and kiss her again. She pulls awAy and just looks at me...


"Hey! Figured we'd find you two in here!" An excited Heather McNamara shouts.

"Woah! Look who's actually on time!" Duke says earning a dirty look and playful punch from Heather.

I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy any of my classes so I start to write out dismissal note...I fill out everyone's name. Mac Chandler duke and myself.

"I feel like skipping? Who's down?"

Me! I already wrote out the dismissal note! I say somberly.

All three heads turn directly towards me...

"Veronica Sawyer! Look at you! Skipping class!" Chandler says. "Hot" she teases me.

"Don't be gay" duke says.

Whatever. Let's go. Let's hit up that corner store with the guy who sells without carding!

"What the hell? Are you okay sawyer?" Mac asks.

I'm very!

And with that, we wasted a whole day away getting drunk and high! I crash at macs house with heather and heather.

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