35. Welcome home

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Heather Chandler
I wake up next to Veronica. We aren't touching. Our hands laced together but our bodies on separate sides of the bed. I smile. It got hot so I took my shirt off last night and I don't have to worry about my mom coming in.

I play with the cat for a while until I feel Veronica shift next to me. She's awake now.

Goodmorning. I say softly.

"Mmm morning" she groans. I look at my swatch it's almost 3:30.

We gotta get ready if we're gonna make it on time.

"Yeah we should get up."

I get up and get dressed in a red blazer white button down with a red and black skirt. I then walk into the other bedroom. One side of the large room is blue and the other side is a light red. There's a bed with red sheets and a bed with black sheets. This is why she didn't let me in here. She did a great job. Here's hoping they like us. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I spin around.

Oh it's just you. You scared me. I chuckle.

"Sorry babe." She kisses me.

You're going to give these kids a great life, Ronnie. This is wonderful.

"WE are going to give them a great life." She corrects me.

Come on. Let's go. I hold her hand and we go out to the garage. I have a surprise for her. She's been begging for one of these since they came out. It's a 1987 Volvo 740. Blue.

You can drive. I say.


Yeah go start the car. I say and hand her the keys.

"Heather what happened to your keys? These are for a volv- YOU DIDNT! HEATHER YOU DIDNT!" She realizes.

Oh but I did. I smirk and finish my coffee before we go.

Veronica Sawyer
We arrive at the building and are immediately greeted by an older woman.

"You and your sister are here for the meeting I'm assuming?" She says.

"Yes, Me and my WIFE are here for the meeting." Heather corrects her.

"Great. Just what the children need" she scoffs.

"Elise, leave these girls alone. There are two beautiful kids who need a home and they are kind enough to give them a second chance." A voice calls from behind a wall. A tall well dressed man comes out with two children. One looks about 6 and the other looks like she's 5 or so. He bends down to speak to the children before letting go of their hands. They come up to us. I watch heather crouch down to the girl who is now standing in front of her.

"Hi there" she smiles. The little girl immediately hugs her. Heather then looks up At me and mouths "oh my god my heart"

I look up to the taller guy and notice the boy standing behind him. I sit down on the ground and wave him over. He's very shy but eventually comes over to me.

Hi! What's your name, bud? I ask with a smile.

"Connor" he looks at the ground.

Connor? That's a cool name! How old are you Connor? I ask. He puts up 5 fingers. A few minutes of talking and I'm able to rough up his hair and he hugs me.

"Come on heather and Connor. We have to discuss something. Go play in the commons with the others while we have an adult conversation" the taller man takes both kids hands. We follow him into a conference room. We discussed the living situation, our job situation, and our experience with kids.

Are we allowed to ask what happened? I ask out of curiosity.

"House fire. 2 years ago their father lit a cigarette in the bathroom and then fell asleep. Ashes fell into the trash and it lit up. They were the only ones to survive." He explains why they are at the adoption center.

"You guys are a great fit. Very mature given that you just graduated high school. Both of your references wrote amazing things about you guys. They seem to take a liking to both of you. You are the first person that has been able to touch Connor besides me. He's usually very shy. I say we sign these papers and get them into their new life." He says with a big smile.

I look to heather for approval to see that she's already signed her paper. That answers my question so I sign mine. We spent about an hour talking to the other children in the commons. Each one of them has a different story. They are all beautiful. When it comes time to go, the little girl ironically named Heather, asked to sit on Heathers shoulders. Heather, of course, didn't think twice before getting down so she could mount. I can't believe this. I always dreamed of marrying heather chandler...but I never knew the dream of having a family would come true. As were in the car, Connor points at the high school that we pass.

"What's that?" He asks.

That's westerburg high school. You'll probably go there one day! I explain.

"Did you go there?"

I did. I look into the rear view mirror and see that both of their faces are shocked.

"Woah that's big" Heathers jaw drops.

It looks big on the outside. I start.

"The inside doesn't feel that big though." Heather explains.

We finally arrive home. I open the door and the cat greets us.

"Kitty!" Connor smiles.

We don't have a name yet. He just showed up! Like you hes new to the family! I explain.

"Would you like to help us pick a name for him?" Heather asks.

"Yes!" They both exclaim.

Well what does he make you think of?

"He's grey like storm skies!" Heather observes his features. Heather sets the girl on the floor so that she can come and pet the cat.

"He's fluffy like a cloud!"

How about stormy? I suggest. They all agree.

When they finish petting him, the cat gets up and finds its way over to its bed in the children's room. We follow him and when they see the size of the room, their jaws drop.

"Where are we allowed to sleep?" The boy asks.

Wherever you'd like. Welcome to your new home, kids. This is your room. I smile. He looks a little hesitant to look around so I give him a little push. Nothing hard just my hand on his back.

Go on. You can look around. I smile.

"What's going to happen now?" Connor asks.

We are going to give you a new life. Hopefully one with less of the icky stuff! I watch as he picks up the pictures heather took for our paper.

"Heather look!" He calls for his sister.

"WoH pretty!" She exclaims. Heather shoots me this pretty smile. The same smile she gave me when she proposed. It's like I fall in love all over.

"who's hungry?" She asks.

"We are!" They both answer.

Who wants a slush?

"ME"  "SLUSHY SLUSHY SLUSHY" the tall girl dressed in red starts to chant. I playfully nudge her and she starts to laugh.

Come on. Heather you're driving though.

"Fine by me" she smiles and places a quick kiss on my lips.

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