36. A tough night

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Heather Chandler
We ended up spending the entire afternoon out at the 7-11. We ran into JD and being that he is about 6'2, heather climbed him like a beanstalk. She really is a mini me and I love her. He's here at the house. I think his cold heart finally started to melt. It was getting late so we were leaving. I offered for JD to come back and we could order a pizza. At first he seemed hesitant but when both kids gently tugged at his hand and begged "uncle JD" to visit. We had Duke and my mother coming over later so it worked out. He gave in. And that's how we ended up here. There's a soft knock on the door it's Duke.

"Hey! So did you ALREADY publish this weeks paper because I have The perfect story for you." Shes got a sarcastic grin.

Oh yeah? And what story is that? I ask.

"The story of 2 fresh out of high school newly married couple who adopted 2 kids and DIDNT tell their friend about it" she says sarcastically.

"We were going to. We just wanted them to settle first in case things were rough. Also it's 9:30. You're late. That's unusual" Veronica slams her.

"Yeah...had to drop mac off at the airport...she got accepted into NYU." She reminds us.

Oh right right. Sorry. I hope you're doing okay. I felt bad for forgetting.

"I'm doing fine...your mom might need a chiropractor though" she says pointing to my mother who was now on the floor playing with the kids and stormy. By kids I mean heather. Connor seems down. He's just sitting next to JD and watching. I sit next to him. Veronica kneels on the ground in front of him.

What's going on buddy? You okay? I ask and push his curly black hair out of his eyes.

"I'm scared" his eyes begin to water.

Of what? I ask softly.

"What if I forget mommy and daddy" he cries.

"Shh it's ok" Veronica rubs his back and JD puts his arm around his shoulder.

Well, do you want to? I ask.


Then you won't, hon. I promise. I look him in the eyes for a moment.

"W-what if they forget me in heaven" he asks.

"Can I?" Duke puts her hand on my shoulder.

By all means.

She gets down to his level and speaks to him.

"Do you know where my mom is?" She asks.

"N-no. Where?" He wipes his eyes.

She points to the sky and smiles.

"Up there with your mom and dad. I haven't forgotten about her! She definitely hasn't forgotten about me." She puts her hand under his chin so that he looks up.

"My mom too. I'd like to believe that my dad is there too." JD adds.

"And do you know why I never forgot them?" She asks.

"Because they are up there?" He replies.

Because they are always going to be in here. I smile and put my hand against his heart. He yawns and then hugs me tight. I look over to Veronica who had gotten up and is now holding a beautiful little girl who's fast asleep.

I think it's time to get some rest. I stand up and hold out my hand. He takes it and he lays down in the bed. The cat goes and sits next to him. Veronica comes in soon after.

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