39. A hard Day for the family

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Dear diary, it's September 14th 2001. I haven't been keeping up but today is a hard day for me and Heather. On the bright side, Our paper has grown and we even have our own office building. Most of our clients work from home though. We don't mind it. Heather is our main photographer and I'm editor. Our little Heather has grown up to be a really amazing woman. She is pursuing her dreams on Broadway as I'm writing this. As for our little soldier...well he's about to get shipped off to Afghanistan in a few hours. Marines. We couldn't be happier for him. Heather is having a really hard time with Collin and stuff but she's proud of him. And that's what's going on right now. I'll write more later on but I have to catch the train home so I can say goodbye.

As I'm getting out of the car to say goodbye to my son, I spot Heather on the porch. I just got home from work. I go over to her and sit down beside her. She leans into me and starts to cry.

Baby? What's wrong? I ask.

"I'm just worried." She sits up for a moment.

I know, hon, but he is going to kick ass out on the field. He's strong too. He'll be okay. I try to comfort her.

"I'm just scared that he's never going to come home." She inhales sharply.

Babe, what happened to Collin was horrible. I know. But it's going to be okay. He looked up to Collin despite never meeting him. He knew you were proud of him so he figured by doing this he would make you proud. I rub her back lightly.

"Mom I'm ready to go." He comes outside.

"Mom? Please don't cry." He sits down next to her.

I'm finishing up the last of my packing. I'm going to be gone for 10 months so that's a lot of clothes and utilities. I pick up 2 pictures. One with the family and another of me and Alan. We had become really good friends despite what he did to me freshman year. I'm almost 18 now. Wow. I think to myself.

I finish getting ready and go downstairs. My sister was home. I hadn't seen her since she moved to New York. It was a surprise to see her.

HEATHER? OH MY GOD! I run and give her a hug.

"Sup lil bro!" She roughs up my curly hair. "I'm gonna miss this rag on your head." She chases me around the house. I eventually go outside. I saw moms car pull in so I figured I would head outside. When I get out there, I see mom leaning against mom.

Mom please don't cry. I promise I'll be okay. But I have to go. So please stay strong for me. Okay? I ask and give her a big hug.

"Connor, we are so proud of you. Me Veronica, your sister. Everybody." She hugs me tighter.

Mom you have to let go. I smile.

"I know. I'm not ready yet." She lets go.

"Enough tears. I'll see you soon little one." Mom hugs me and I get in my car. I wave at everyone.

2 years pass.
Tomorrow is Heathers birthday and I have a HUGE surprise for her. Connor is coming home today. He hasn't been home in 2 years and I'm so excited. I'm at the airport right now waiting for him.

"MOM" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around and see the boy with shorter hair now.

MY BOY! I run towards him and embrace him into a large hug. We go about the day as usual just avoiding Heather at all costs until we knew she was home from work.

Once we get back to the house, he offers to get in the trunk of my car...I tell him to go for it too. I then go inside and ask her to help me carry some "stuff in"

"Hi, how was work?" She asks.

The usual. How was the birthday?

"Pretty good now that your here. Connor called and says he misses everybody." She frowns a little.

Well, come on and help me carry his bags in. I say casually. Naturally she carries them in without realizing I said "HIS bags". She looks at them for a moment.

"Wait a minute....Ronnie...why do we have just his bags." She ask.

Go outside and look in the trunk. I say. She slowly walks outside. I realize now that I made it seem as though he really wasn't coming back..whoops. It was his idea not mine.

We get outside and she opens the trunk. I see her face drop. I walk over to her. It's just his tags. Is he trying to give her a heart attack?

Ronnie....where's our son?...she asks.

I get really hot in the trunk so I got out. I noticed my tags got snagged on the boxes in the trunk. Oops.

"Ronnie, where's our son?"

I'm right here. I put my arms around her. She screams and grips my arms. Tears fall from her eyes.
"Don't do that to me ever again." She turns around and hugs me again.

I love you too. I laugh.

"Hey Heather? Can you come help me with something outside?" Mom yells. I see my sister come outside and she drops to the ground.

GET UP, PUSSY! I tease her. She gets up and runs to me.

"Can you stay forever?" She asks.

No but I'm here for a month. I'm not going anywhere. I answer. My mom is still attached to me.

I'm not going anywhere. I assure her. She then lets go.

Happy birthday. Hope you liked your gift. I chuckle. She hugs me once again.

"I fucking love it."

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