11. Meet Veronica (spiccy😈)

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Heather Chandler
I open the door and drop my bag on the ground against the wall.

"It couldn't have been that bad. Why won't you speak?" She begs me to talk. As I walk up the stairs to my room. She follows me.

It was bad enough. I say.

"How bad" she asks as I close my door behind her.

Your dad scared the living SHIT out of me. I thought he was going to kill me on the spot. With his "if you so much as hurt my daughter" bullshit. I argue with her. She takes a step closer to me. My face heats up.

"I like that he scared the shit out of you"

Very funny. I can't believe I HEATHER CHANDLER! THE QUEEN BEE! Submitted my social status/royalty to your father.

"It shows you are human. I like that" she says before placing a kiss on my cheek.

Also how did he just pass up the fact that you called me dinner? I ask beginning to chuckle.

"He didn't! Did you see how red he got? I changed the subject so fast" she says laughing hysterically.

No I didn't see it. I was too busy being a human being for once. I tease. This time I kiss her lips and then playfully push her onto my bed and gently laying on top of her. Besides! I kiss her again. You're dinner. MY dinner. I smirk and kiss her again this time she deepens it. I pull away and she whines.

"What about real food tonight though?" She asks between kisses.

Who gives a fuck about real food...I've got you...and I'm hungry...I whisper in an alluring tone. She moans softly and then aggressively kisses me.

I kiss back and quickly unbutton her top. I then move from her lips to her neck. I move slowly Leaving hickeys down her neck and across her chest. Each time she moans softly.

Maybe this time we won't be interrupted. I say reaching for her skirt.

"Shut up and do it!" She begs.

I slowly slide my hands under her skirt and up her thighs. Earning soft moans. I rub my fingers over her clit making her shutter loudly.

Veronica Sawyer
Mmm, heather! I groan. She slides two fingers inside of me and pleasure washes over my entire body almost immediately.

She thrusts her fingers in and out making me want to scream. I grab her hair and it entangles in my fingers.

Faster! I beg and she follows.

Suddenly, she removes her fingers. I whine a little wishing she hadn't stopped until she slowly kisses my inner thighs. Just as her lips are about to touch my body, a voice calls.

"Heather! We're home!" A voice calls

"Are you FUCKING kidding me" she says slightly pissed off.

Who do they think they are interrupting. I ask in a silly way.

"My parents." She says. "Let's go greet the bitches" she sighs. I get up and get dressed again.

Right. I say.

"They'll leave in 2 days. I'm calling it now." She says as we walk down the stairs. We're both frustrated and it's sort of funny. She walks right past her mom to the fridge and tosses me a bottle of water.

"Heather! Oh- you have a friend with you. I was going to ask if you were hungry" her mother asks in a very bitchy tone.

"Starving." Heather replies.

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