18. Hospital

793 14 8

Veronica Sawyer
I wake up and see that Heather is still sleeping. She seems so at peace. She deserves a break from the beer guzzling jocks. The peace lasts for a few moments and then she shifts a little bit. The smile turns into a frown as her face twitches. I decide it's time to wake her up.

Hey, heatherrr.

Heather Chandler
"Heatherrrr wake up babe"
I open my eyes. Well...my eye. My other is swollen shut. Everything hurts. I go to move my hair out of the way and see that there's blood.

"How do you feel?" She asks.

My nose is bleeding. Everything hurts. What do you think. I snap. I felt bad but I couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry."

No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped on you.

Just then there's a knock on the window. I try to get up but Veronica stops me.

"No. Stay. I'll get it. Who the fuck comes to the window and not the door anyways?" She says walking over to the window. She opens it and she gets pulled out. I struggle to get up but manage to make my way over to the window and see the same trench coated kid from the alley. 

Jason Dean....I will knock you the fuck out again.

"Try anything and she drops." He says, now dangling her over the edge of my roof. "Don't worry about it. Go inside. I'll handle it" NO. I LET YOU GET FUCKED UP LAST TIME AND IM NOT DOING IT AGAIN. I fight back. I take another step closer. He pulls a knife. If you let her go, I'll let you kill me. I know you don't like me. So let's get it over with. Just PLEASE don't hurt her. The world needs more people like her. I say. To my surprise, he pushes her towards the window and stops.

"Get the fuck over here then."

And I walk over to him. He looks at me and before he could cut me, I knee him in the balls. He drops to his knees. He pulls a bottle out of his pocket and throws it at Veronica. He grabs me and I try to fight back but it's no use. He takes me to the edge of the roof and I look down. My house is huge. 3 floors. And of course, my bedroom is on the top.

Holy. Shit. I think to myself. I show no fear though. I'm too good for that shit.

Try me Dean. You won't do this. I'll have you destroyed. I scoff. He puts the knife at my throat. I still show no mercy. So I try to squirm and get out of his grip but he lets go of me and I fall back. Straight to the ground. Then it's all black again.

Veronica Sawyer
I watch as this asshole drops Heather off the edge of the roof. I know it's not likely that a drop from that height is deadly but after what she just dealt with I can't stand to see her like that. I jump back out the window and kick his back so that he falls. He grabs the edge of the roof and climbs his way down. He gets in his stupid little bike and rides away. I bolt down 3 flights of stairs and out to the red clad girl who's lifeless body was lying face down on the ground. I pick her up and carry her back into the house. Her face is bleeding so I'm trying to stop the bleeding and I'm trying to wake her up all at the same time. Everything seems so fucking surreal.

I rush to the telephone and call the number her parents left in case of emergency.

Phone call

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