31. Engaged

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⚠️18+ NSFW⚠️
Veronica Sawyer
"Hey mom? I've got something to tell you!" Heather peaks her head in the door as I leave marks on her neck.

"Can you get off for a second? Theres a note on the table" she laughs.

Fine. I laugh and hop off of her back. The not on the table says

Heather and Veronica, I'm going to be out for a few nights. There was a work emergency and your father needed me at the Dallas office. Behave no parties. Stay home if you can. DONT get into fights just because someone says something you don't like. The first and last ones were mainly for my kid. You're good Veronica. Not worried about it. Make sure heather doesn't do anything stupid. ....try to come up for air at some point...we all know it's gonna happen.
-mom (Sarah)

"Wow! She knew exactly what we were gonna do tonight" heather smirks.

That's no surprise...she's caught us several times...

"She's telling us not to...now I want to even more" she smirks and walks back up to me. She towers over me and I still get anxious when she does that. Every cell in my brain just disappears and I find myself speechless.

"Somebody scared?" She smirks again. That god damn smirk is enough to make my legs lose balance. I nearly let myself drop to the ground. I look up at her and smile to let her know I'm enjoying it I just don't have the brain cells to say it.

"Answer me" she says. I find myself able to speak again. But I don't. I wanna push her. She comes around behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Answer me, Sawyer." She whispers.

And if I don't? I answer.

She responds by picking me up and quickly carrying me upstairs. She sets me down on the floor and locks her door before coming back up to me.

"Tell me, are you scared?" She smirks and starts to rub my sides.

Not of you. I say confidently.

"You should watch your mouth."

Or what?

Holy shit. She's probably never been told "or what" by anyone. They've usually run away before it got to that point.

"Or I- I'll- uhh I'll."  She stutters

What's the matter, don't know what to say now? Is somebody taking over? I talk down to her but in a more seductive way.

"Watch your mouth." She repeats herself again nervously. She really had nothing to say. She was SO flustered by the fact that I was trying to take control.

Watch your mouth. I whisper into her ear.

"At least I know where to put mine" she smirks.
"Anything else you'd like to say before I rui-" she starts again.

And where is that exactly? I cut her off.

She doesn't respond. Instead, she lunges and kisses me. My hands find their way around her waist and her hands somehow find their way over my ass. She pulls me closer to her, causing me to whimper a little. Within seconds, she takes off her blazer as I work on her shirt. She takes my legs so that I  can jump into her arms and she carries me to the bed.

heather is carrying me to her bed as I start to leave hickeys and bite marks all over her neck and chest. She sits me on the edge of the bet before getting down on her knees.

What are you on the floor for? I ask

"Youll see. Just tell me if you want me to stop okay?"

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