30. The Question

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Veronica Sawyer
I wake up with no Heather beside me. It's cold. So I cover myself with the blanket completely.

"Looks like somebody's up" she giggles.

Mmm I miss being able to sleep in. Next to you. I groan. I'm extremely tired.

H-heather? Please never let it end. I say. I feel vulnerable today.

"Let what end, babe?" She comes out of the bathroom and sits next to me. 

Us. I answer softly.

"Baby, baby baby. You know I won't do that." She says leaning me up and pulling me into her arms.

I-i love you. I had a really bad dream that you had died in an accident and it just scared me. Sorry. I apologize and get up to get ready.

"I won't drink and drive babe. I promise. I'm getting help. Don't worry. Let's just get through today okay?

Heather Chandler
We walk into school and I'm immediately attacked. Not aggressive but with questions.
"Where the hell were you?" Duke asks.
"Yeah this place is hell right now. Look!" Mac points at some kid being cornered by these two rather large jocks.
One second. I walk over to the boy and tap on his shoulder. He turns around and I punch him. He falls over and starts crying. Does ANYBODY else want to see what happens when you act like a little bitch? I ask as loud as possible. The other guy turns around and back hands me but it doesn't hurt.
"Don't hit her! I'll fucking kill you! I swear I will!" Veronica yells from behind me.
No no. Don't worry. I'm ok. I slowly start to corner this huge guy. At this point miss Fleming and Gowan are just staring in disbelief. The students around me quiet down.
Who's ready to watch a big boy cry? I ask. I hear miss Fleming start cheering and principal Gowan is telling her to stop. I bring my knee up as if I'm gonna hit him in the balls and he runs away crying. The heathers and Veronica gather around me.
"There's the heather chandler we missed so much!" Duke says something nice for once.
"Pretty hot if ya ask me" Veronica smirks and I kiss her. I didn't realize how long we had been standing there like that until miss Fleming slides a sheet of paper in between our faces causing us to pull apart and giggle. She smiles and says "get a room" jokingly.

We go about the day as usual. It's time to go and I've got to take JD to the spot and come back for Veronica. As we're walking JD is asking me a thousand questions about it.
"Well when did you meet"
"Whats the ring look like"
Dumbass you found it!
"Do you think it'll work out"

Jason, I love you, but you need to shut the fuck up man. Where here anyways. Set your fancy little shoe box up.

"It's a camera" he scoffs.

Its huge. Like a shoe box. I have to go get Veronica. Just stay here with Heather and Heather. Don't do anything stupid. I laugh as I walk back the tracks.

Jason Dean
I stare in absolute amazement. Heather came down here EVERY night and put up these beautiful lights and torches. It's Gorgeous. When he proposes to me it better look like this. I think to myself. I loosen my trench coat. It gets hot under here.

"So how does it work?" Mac asks.

I'll show you. Here stand right there in front of it. Say something for Heather and Veronica. I start filming.

"Hi Ronnie! I don't know why I'm here but uh this is a cool spot!" She smiles.

"Move dork." Duke chuckles

"Hey! I'm not a dork" Mac responds playfully hitting her.

You guys act like a married couple.

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