26. Bad News

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⚠️smut but it's not crucial to the story so you can skip⚠️
⚠️TW: drug addiction⚠️
**end of smut**
February 23rd 1989
Heather Chandler
"Maybe I'll have to do that"
I kiss her and she deepens it. Our bodies move almost on their own. I once again end up on top of Veronica, her breathing speeds up as she looks at me with those alluring eyes and smiles before saying, "are you gonna do something or just look at me like I'm a mirror" with a smirk. I kiss her again and our lips find a perfect rhythm in just seconds. My hands trail down her sides down to the hem of her sweatpants. I pull away and look at her for approval. As she nods her head, I slide my hands under her skirt and start to gently rub her clit through her panties and she whimpers so I lean down to her ear and whisper, why so tense? Got your panties in a bunch? And she playfully hits me before kissing me once again. I slowly slide my fingers over her clit and she grips onto my back as I kiss her. After a few moments, I pull away and leave bruises and bite marks all over her neck before finally sliding my tongue over her clit. she lets out a short scream before quickly covering her face with a pillow.

"Fuck, Heather" She screams
Veronica Sawyer
My hands find their way into her curly hair as she continues to send waves of pleasure through my entire body. Every time i pull at her hair and her tongue moved faster. She looks up with just her eyes and smirks before sliding her fingers back inside of me.

Holy fuck! H-Heather faster I'm gonna cum! I scream into the pillow.

Just as I'm about to reach my climax her mom walks in.
"SORRY! SORRY! Um put some clothes on...we need to talk..." she closes the door right away. I immediately jump up and put the rest of my clothes on. Heather then kisses me on the cheek.
"We'll finish later, princess. Mom, you can come in." She looks to me and gives me a happy smile.
Her mother comes in and sits on the bed. She seems really upset but Heather is still smiling.
"Heather, Theres been an accident. It's Collin" her mother looks at the ground. Heathers happy smile immediately drops as she starts to stutter.
Collin? I think to myself.
"N-no- is he okay?" She asks.
"It's not looking good. You need to pack. We're going to New York to see him just in case." She gets up and walks out. I look over to Heather and she's just looking at the floor.
I-I'll call my dad...see if I can come back home....
She grabs my arm before I could get to the telephone
"P-please come with us....I don't want to be alone"
Are you sure?
"Yes. Please" she insists. the last time I ever saw her get like this was the first time we went shopping....I had went to leave and she begged me to stay.
Alright I will. Why don't you go take a shower. Let your mind free up a bit. I'll make you something to eat for when you get out. She gets up and nods. I hold my arms out in case she wants a hug. But instead all I get is an "it's okay. I'm okay." Before she walks into the bathroom. I walk downstairs and start to make her a grilled cheese when her mom comes into the kitchen.
"How's she taking it"
She's in the shower right now.
Can I ask who Collin is? I say nervously.
"Collin is her cousin but he's more like a brother to her. They were inseparable until a few years ago...he got deployed and then the distance grew. But they grew closer."
That must be really hard on you guys. W-what happened?
She pulls a chair and we talk for nearly an hour. I then remember Heather said she was getting in the shower. I run up the stairs and knock gently on the bathroom door.
Hey, heather? I made you a grilled cheese...heather?......I'm gonna come in. I call her name a few more times but she doesn't respond so I open the door. She's just sitting there with her head leaning against the wall.

quickly, I slide the door open. I sit on the floor and pull her into my arms. Her arms wrap around my body and she mumbled something. Over and over again. I didn't get it right away but finally I made out the words "everyone I love is leaving...and I can't be bothered to shed a single tear about it"
Sometimes our bodies can't handle our emotions. It's okay. Just breathe. I reach up and turn the water off. She chuckles softly and then speaks again.
"Sawyer, you're all wet..."
I don't care. Do you want to go on a walk? I'll carry you on my back!
"Sure" she says quietly and nods.
Do you want to invite Mac?
Heather Chandler
Veronica carried me to our spot. Mac left about halfway through the walk because her mom didn't want her out after. We don't stay long since our flight leaves early in the morning.

Once we get back, I open the cabinet where we usually keep pain meds. They aren't there.
H-hey Ronnie? Do you wanna go for a ride? I have to grab some stuff at the drug store.
"Sure! Let's go" she says with a smile. I nod and grab my keys before heading out the the store. Fake IDs come In handy don't they?

I pay for a few different types of over the counter pain meds, a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey and then some corn nuts for Veronica just so she doesn't notice all the bottles and then go out to the car. I hand her the corn nuts and she smiles.
"You're the best" she says as she places a kiss on my lips.
I know. I smile.

Once we get home, I take the pills and drink. Something I hadn't done in a long time. I broke. But I didn't cry. I felt empty. There's a knock on the bathroom door as I light my cigarette.
Who is it?
"Youre baby?"
Come in, princess.
"Heather why are you smoking again?"
Why not?
"That's awful for you"
You want one?
Bitch you just said they were awful for me?!
"But girlfriends don't let their girlfriends smoke alone"
Quit fucking around and light up babe. I say with a smile.
I smoke and then we smoke some weed. In the morning, we'll be in some New York hospital. My least favorite place to be. I just feel myself slipping back into that state of depression. I'm scared. But I can't admit it.
"You okay?"
Me? Oh er...yeah just scared. My mom says he probably won't make it another night.
"I know. I heard. I'm sorry"
It's fine. Let's just go to bed. I want to get tomorrow over with.

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